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I can't wait for Microsoft's press conference and E3 in general

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19 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Proceeds to go on about UWP containers and software operation as a transference between Xbox and PC...


Where is UWP now? Oh right, they're killing it. 

Yea... because that changes things :roll:


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MS wants to merge the XBOx/PC/XCloud store into one. So you can use their services eventually and have access to the games you bought, in their ideal scenario on native hardware then also access them from XCloud on the go.


360/OG XBox are clearly going to be part of that strategy. This is another "no shit" moment where Dynamite somehow thinks it's not eventually happening.

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Phil Spencer


Excited about the opportunities ahead with @Sony for us to pursue our mutual gaming ambitions and delight players around the world.




"Mutual gaming ambitions". Not this E3, sadly .


Their memorudum if understanding is recent, so it will take some time.

Edited by Team 2019
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I think MS is going to try to get Sony to move their PSN non streaming infrastructure to their structure for big bucks. Something like this someone made.


Getting PSN to transition to Azure is billions of dollars long term that they take away from Amazon



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it's all but confirmed that Xcloud will be coming to every device under the sun, and now that MS will be handling Sony's cloud servers, it's already all but confirmed imo:


Xcloud will be coming to PlayStation, along with the ability to stream all of MS's upcoming games. I'm, 100% certain of it now.



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Sony expects PS5 to be their fastest adopted gen and transition. Which makes me suspect 399. So I think Phil might walkout with the most powerful console. If both are 500 that one is up in the air, I think Sony has a good shot since I can't see MS losing money on this thing if it will need an emergency 100 dollars off.

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6 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

Sony expects PS5 to be their fastest adopted gen and transition. Which makes me suspect 399. So I think Phil might walkout with the most powerful console. If both are 500 that one is up in the air, I think Sony has a good shot since I can't see MS losing money on this thing if it will need an emergency 100 dollars off.

Why would Sony expect it to be their fastest adopted system when there's going to be 8th/9th gen crossover for years and streaming is coming into the fray? Did they ever actually say that?


Not a chance in hell a $399 console is coming unless it's demonstratively underpowered.



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42 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

I can see MS releasing a 400 model and a 600 model , ps5 being 500 


If ps5 is 400 , ms will release at 300 and 500 

I honestly have no idea how they will price the two models. But 600 sounds insane, and there is no point in having two models unless the difference is at least 200.


But then again no way you get a gimped next gen system for below 400 either, but Lockhart the lower one is supposed to be discless so maybe?


So the pricing is hard to predict, I think we might be misunderstanding what they are planning. They need to clear this shit up at E3.


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