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List of red flags for the XBox (Console) division/lemmings

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1. Sony partnership with MS in the Cloud business, lead by the CEOs. Whatever they say goes, individual divisions don't mean shit in global cooperate strategies. Probably trying to lockdown a PSN transition next-gen to Azure which is billions of dollars a year they can take away from Amazon.


2. Shawn Layden sucking Phil's dick, Phil sucking off Sony with "Mutual gaming vision". Jim Ryan PS CEO saying their partnership is much more global than just streaming.


3. All future games on Steam/Epic store, two COMPETING platforms. Full third party on PC. Arguably even more than PS/Switch/X.


4. No exclusives for next-gen Scarlett at launch or possibly 2-3 years. "MS doesn't believe in generations". Flatout out hardware sales capitulation, and let's them use the huge PS4 userbase for the next few years just like Steam for games sales. Even allows for Switch ports of many games. Shoving Xbox S server blades only reinforces this point.


5. Sony investing into COD content for 4 years , with exclusive content THIS year. Yet after all this Sony allows cross play for the one title they spent a fortune on to lockdown. They aren't doing this #ForTheGamers.


6. Porting of their games to Switch, and people reporting it's just the "beginning".


It ain't looking good lemmings.

Edited by Team 2019
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they have no choice. they've been rejected from the console market.


Also, I'm right again. I knew the second Shawn Layden was sucking Phil's cock on twitter that the deal was already signed, didn't I say as much?


anyone holding out hope of MS mounting a comeback, save your breath. The details have already been worked out behind the scenes. MS has signed the white flag declaration already.

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 Dude, Xbox as a brand, and especially as a faction is done. Malakius left, JonB got a PC, Bodycount went Sheep - remember all that ownage delivered to sheep when the Wii was announced and the PS3 had a botched launch? While Bhtyre is still green, I bet you he plays his PS4 more.


So who's left? Spicoli, and DC? :killzone:

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30 minutes ago, Teh_Diplomat said:

 Dude, Xbox as a brand, and especially as a faction is done. Malakius left, JonB got a PC, Bodycount went Sheep - remember all that ownage delivered to sheep when the Wii was announced and the PS3 had a botched launch? While Bhtyre is still green, I bet you he plays his PS4 more.


So who's left? Spicoli, and DC? :killzone:

We aren't at the climax yet, that's yet to come.  Don't forget many are delusional enough to assume next gen will be some sort of XBox hardware division comeback. We got our own special case here with Dynamite, but there are many that believe this. Just go to a big forum and read what the people with Master Chief avatars are saying, it's like they're crying eating an onion.

Edited by Team 2019
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Times changed. I was an Xbox 360 guy because of the japanese support, then somewhere around 2010~ I pretty much 'quit' playing games hardcore, and I was a CODsual playing pretty much nothing but COD after 2011/2012, which Xbox still had a lock on, so it was easy to keep the xbox act going.


So coming into this gen, I was getting an Xbox One only because of Call of Duty, that was literally the only reason. Then games started getting really SJWd, including the new CODs, which killed pretty much all my passion for them. They also turned into gay robot games which didn't help, either.


I felt guilty spending money on games when they were all liberal propaganda pieces.


Then In 2015, I played FF15 which reminded of my love for Japanese games. Keep in mind this was the first good JRPG I had as an Xbox player for the past like 8 years, after the 360  JRPG push was over, we pretty much got nothing in terms of JRPGs. I got hard back into Japanese games, plus combined with the fact that I was planning on moving to Japan in 2016/17, made me fall hard in love with Japanese culture, and the games came along with that.


Now it's a wrap, if I want to play Japanese games, or Call of Duty.... well the former is best served by Nintendo, the only gaming company I have any respect for when it comes to their politics, and then Call of Duty is now aligned with Playstation. plus they have better 1st party, JRPGs, Yakuza, etc.


There is 0 chance I go back to MS. Especially if I do move to Japan (still planning on it).

Edited by Bodycount N
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36 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

1. Sony partnership with MS in the Cloud business, lead by the CEOs. Whatever they say goes, individual divisions don't mean shit in global cooperate strategies. Probably trying to lockdown a PSN transition next-gen to Azure which is billions of dollars a year they can take away from Amazon.


2. Shawn Layden sucking Phil's dick, Phil sucking off Sony with "Mutual gaming vision". Jim Ryan PS CEO saying their partnership is much more global than just streaming.


3. All future games on Steam/Epic store, two COMPETING platforms. Full third party on PC. Arguably even more than PS/Switch/X.


4. No exclusives for next-gen Scarlett at launch or possibly 2-3 years. "MS doesn't believe in generations". Flatout out hardware sales capitulation, and let's them use the huge PS4 userbase for the next few years just like Steam for games sales. Even allows for Switch ports of many games.


5. Sony investing into COD content for 4 years , with exclusive content THIS year. Yet after all this Sony allows cross play for the one title they spent a fortune on to lockdown. They aren't doing this #ForTheGamers.


6. Porting of their games to Switch, and people reporting it's just the "beginning".


It ain't looking good lemmings.

There's no red flags, you're just reading into everything far more than you should and are subsequently projecting hopes and dreams over that of reality.


  • They both have something to offer in the field and are working together to combat the likes of Stadia and quell it before it can even become something. This isn't even a PlayStation thing, this was something decided much higher up at a corporate level and PlayStation as a division and staff is falling in line with their decisions. They were not even aware this deal had been struck until shortly before we were. This isn't a PlayStation partnership, this is a Sony partnership. As much as Microsoft and Sony compete in these fields they're taking an "a enemy of my enemy is my friend" approach to business here.
  • That's just PR ass grabbing so they all appear progressive and to be working in the best interest of the gamer.
  • They've said nothing about the Epic Game Store and that's just you adding your two worthless cents while they appear to be dealing solely with Valve. These games are DirectX only, there's no Vulkan, there's no OpenGL, there's no Linux, there's no OSX. As I've said I don't even know how many times at this point Microsoft is keeping everything under their umbrella.  Windows is still within their umbrella, it doesn't matter if it's through a different storefront or not, it's their operating system and their API.
  • Sony is going to be no different to Xbox in this regard and they've already talked about PS4 software engagement and sales for the next 3 years, they will have cross-gen support for their games to ease the transition now more than ever.
  • Sony has already been dabbling in cross-play and warming up to it in select games, CoD is a big franchise and if they're making the push for it it would be an irreparable mistake for Sony not to go along with it. It's just a marketing deal kid, they don't have IP control, Activision sets the terms. 
  • They've ported one game which was already on three systems going into the studio acquisition, and it was ported by the same people Ninja Theory had used previously for their other games. Microsoft didn't even publish the physical releases of Hellblade. These are things that were already in the pipeline at their acquisition which simply came to pass.


You're going full retard. 


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Yeah retarded, like buying up a bunch of studios then release all their games on Steam when they have their own store. Brad Sams confirmed other stores for all future releases, not only Steam and even an app called Garrison by MS that will let your merge the stores for your own viewership.

MS is telling your retarded ass they are going third party. Like flatout.

Edited by Team 2019
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1 hour ago, Teh_Diplomat said:

 Dude, Xbox as a brand, and especially as a faction is done. Malakius left, JonB got a PC, Bodycount went Sheep - remember all that ownage delivered to sheep when the Wii was announced and the PS3 had a botched launch? While Bhtyre is still green, I bet you he plays his PS4 more.


So who's left? Spicoli, and DC? :killzone:

I'm just sporting the green color until the end of the gen to accept ownage, Already sold my Xflop FreeforeveryOne :poop: 

It's probably PC only from now on, I don't even touch my PS4 for weeks at a time and have grown tired of how slow and ghetto consoles have become :jordan3:

Edited by bhytre
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3 minutes ago, bhytre said:

I'm just sporting the green color until the end of the gen to accept ownage, Already sold my Xflop FreeforeveryOne :poop: 

It's probably PC only from now on, I don't even touch my PS4 for weeks at a time and have grown tired of how slow and ghetto PC consoles have become :jordan3:

My man. :denzel3:

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52 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

Yeah retarded, like buying up a bunch of studios then release all their games on Steam when they have their own store. Brad Sams confirmed other stores for all future releases, not only Steam and even an app called Garrison by MS that will let your merge the stores for your own viewership.

MS is telling your retarded ass they are going third party. Like flatout.

Releasing on steam means more money for MS . They've been on PC for awhile , I wouldn't call them 3rd party until the release on playstation .

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10 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

Releasing on steam means more money for MS . They've been on PC for awhile , I wouldn't call them 3rd party until the release on playstation .

They've been releasing games on PC for decades, this isn't new. All that has changed is they dropped PC during the middle of the 360 era and it's been brought back. 


People like Aza have selective memory. 

Edited by DynamiteCop!
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2 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

One thing I will never understand about the PC scene is when people refuse to buy a game they want to play because it's not on store X or Y.


This just baffles me.

Because you're not just buying into a game, you're buying into a platform, its policies, its end of life contingencies, its features etc. 


There needs to be trust when dealing with digital licenses, not all DD platforms are created equal. 

Edited by DynamiteCop!
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7 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Because you're not just buying into a game, you're buying into a platform, its policies, its end of life contingencies, its features etc. 


There needs to be trust when dealing with digital licenses, not all DD platforms are created equal. 

Well MS games steam or epic are going to be going through the same Live backend and have cross play with XBox and XCloud. The actual experience will be the same.

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10 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

Well MS games steam or epic are going to be going through the same Live backend and have cross play with XBox and XCloud. The actual experience will be the same.

No it won't, not in the way you think, because you're still beholden to the policies and platform to which you acquired the software; plus as a second layer to that Microsoft's. You can't access the game without them, you can't launch these games through the Microsoft store separate from Steam or from the OS.


People clamoring on about these games on Steam are idiots, you're literally just adding an extra step to what's already integrated into your OS plus you're cutting yourself out from Play Anywhere. 


Edited by DynamiteCop!
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50 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

One thing I will never understand about the PC scene is when people refuse to buy a game they want to play because it's not on store X or Y.


This just baffles me.

Windows store sucks . I've had bad experiences with it . I'll never get a game there if its available elsewhere 

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2 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

Windows store sucks . I've had bad experiences with it . I'll never get a game there if its available elsewhere 

What bad experience? People say this hyperbolic shit all the time when the reality is it's minimalistic and completely out of sight and mind. The worst I've seen was I had some download issue with Forza Horizon 3 two years ago and then nothing since. You don't even need to launch the store to play a game just type the name (even the first few letters) in the search bar and hit enter and you're in the game.



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