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Omega Labyrinth Life For Nintendo Switch / Heavily censored version 'Labyrinth life' for PS4... Japanese devs now making charts to breakdown all the stuff you can't do on PS4

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17 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

look at the last minute of the trailer, they take shots @ sony's 'family friendly marketing".




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3 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

Someone explain to me how Mortal Kombat gets a pass and this gets censored.

Aza, as a Sony fan, are you concerned at all about their current censorship trajectory?

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1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

Aza, as a Sony fan, are you concerned at all about their current censorship trajectory?

No. Because they haven't censored any games I'm planning to get, can't think of any.


But if they gut some this badly just gonna get the Switch version on a nice little cart. :)


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In also don't really consider myself a Sony fan. They just happen to do what I like the best, console gaming. Their business interests and vision align with what I want, so we make due. There is really no alternative to PlayStation. It gets the hardware right, they have all the software from Japan and the West, they have a cool first party, they believe in console generations, they allow limited prints of games, they have a huge line up of cheap physical games unlike Switch, they believe in exclusive software.


XBox has turned into a joke, and Switch is cool but it's a gimped handheld. Sony is the only legit choice here. I would be cool with a Nintendo console with the power of a PS and the third party support easily. Never skipped a Nintendo console outside Wii U.

Edited by Team 2019
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