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Dragon Quest producer announces Dragon Quest Walk for Smart Phones (Pokemon Go type game) and states preperations for DQ12 have begun

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It's still going to be years before we see anything meaningful... even though in the article he says to wait "a little while longer" but we know it's coming.


DQ11 was awesome.  I can't wait for DQ12 :wow2: 


Also... there were rumors of a possible DQ collection similar to what Konami is doing with their classics.


I would LOVE to see a collection of DQ 1-6, and then another one 7-9.

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Still need to play this game. :]



I figure if JonB can make it through then I should as well; plus the reviews and impressions have been exemplarary. :ben:

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The problem is JRPG's have never been my forte, and I picked up DQXI along with: DOOM, Farcry 5, Warhammer 2, Phantom Doctrine (80s spy game; plays like XCom), and Stellaris (which I've only installed but haven't actually played.



I need more time. Can we petition someone for more hours in a day? Or three day weekends (lmao who am I kidding, that wouldn't apply to me) or something, anything? 

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8 hours ago, Teh_Diplomat said:

The problem is JRPG's have never been my forte, and I picked up DQXI along with: DOOM, Farcry 5, Warhammer 2, Phantom Doctrine (80s spy game; plays like XCom), and Stellaris (which I've only installed but haven't actually played.



I need more time. Can we petition someone for more hours in a day? Or three day weekends (lmao who am I kidding, that wouldn't apply to me) or something, anything? 

Get Yakuza 0 and Nier Automata for your Japanese PC fix. Trust me here, I think others will back me up.

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I'd go straight to Yakuza Kiwami 2. It has a new engine, greatly improved visuals, better gameplay and has like an hours worth of primer/cutscenes from 0 and 1 in the beginning to get you up to date.


That game is so accurate to walking the streets of Japan it's crazy. Same drinks in the vending machines, Gindaco Takoyaki, Don Quiote, I can attest most of these places are recreated 1:1


SEGA :bow: I can't wait for Judgement. That game is going to be a banger

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14 hours ago, Teh_Diplomat said:

I think I made it to the first tutorial battle up the mountain... :ben:

It was a very over hyped and dull experience  for me. a solid 8 at best for  the pretty package. 

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