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Google Stadia Connect - June 6th 9am PDT - Launch info, price, game announcements + more

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I don't know how you guys can think streaming isn't going to be the future. It's where the majority of gamers will migrate to, once the service can be delivered. Regardless of how you feel about the service and its ability to deliver smooth gaming.


You have to understand, gamers who discuss games, consoles & their values, as well as predictions for the next generation are the minority - and a very small minority. The majority of gamers are going to go where the industry funnels them like cattle.


Sure, there will be still be a market that exists for physical copies, traditional consoles - much like how you can still buy physical copies of music; but let's be honest here, the majority (and by a wide margin) of people are on a streaming service now.

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I don't know how you guys can think streaming isn't going to be the future. It's where the majority of gamers will migrate to, once the service can be delivered. Regardless of how you feel about the s


8 minutes ago, Teh_Diplomat said:

I don't know how you guys can think streaming isn't going to be the future. It's where the majority of gamers will migrate to, once the service can be delivered. Regardless of how you feel about the service and its ability to deliver smooth gaming.


You have to understand, gamers who discuss games, consoles & their values, as well as predictions for the next generation are the minority - and a very small minority. The majority of gamers are going to go where the industry funnels them like cattle.


Sure, there will be still be a market that exists for physical copies, traditional consoles - much like how you can still buy physical copies of music; but let's be honest here, the majority (and by a wide margin) of people are on a streaming service now.

Replace streaming with "handhelds" circa 2009, and everyone playing on their phones. 

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8 minutes ago, Teh_Diplomat said:

I don't know how you guys can think streaming isn't going to be the future. It's where the majority of gamers will migrate to, once the service can be delivered. Regardless of how you feel about the service and its ability to deliver smooth gaming.


You have to understand, gamers who discuss games, consoles & their values, as well as predictions for the next generation are the minority - and a very small minority. The majority of gamers are going to go where the industry funnels them like cattle.


Sure, there will be still be a market that exists for physical copies, traditional consoles - much like how you can still buy physical copies of music; but let's be honest here, the majority (and by a wide margin) of people are on a streaming service now.

I've been saying it for 2 years now.

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Just now, Team 2019 said:

Replace streaming with "handhelds" circa 2009, and everyone playing on their phones. 

The difference now being that you can play the latest and greatest AAA game on any device... instead of some mobile shit game..

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Streaming is not going to bring in a substantial amount of new gamers or "lapsed" gamers.


The reason why those people are not playing games is not because of the METHOD, its because of the TYPES OF GAMES.


Here let me explain it to you:


[Lapsed Gamers]: "I'm not going to be some overly complex open-world game with this controller that has all these buttons when i can barely control dual joysticks."




[Lapsed Gamers]: "How does that change my predicament?"

Edited by jehurey
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5 minutes ago, jehurey said:

Streaming is not going to bring in a substantial amount of new gamers or "lapsed" gamers.


The reason why those people are not playing games is not because of the METHOD, its because of the TYPES OF GAMES.


Here let me explain it to you:


[Lapsed Gamers]: "I'm not going to be some overly complex open-world game with this controller that has all these buttons when i can barely control dual joysticks."




[Lapsed Gamers]: "How does that change my predicament?"

Yeah like there is a huge audience of lapsed Halo gamers that can't pay $150 for an S or something.

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On a serious note what franchises does MS for example have, that thinks XCloud will beat out PC + XBox hardware together has for the streaming audience? Who is going to jump en mass for Gears, Halo and Forza? Same could be said for Sony.



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We KNOW this, because the only device that truly brought in new gamers was the Wii.


And Wii games that succeeded were because of a different method of playing games, NEW types of games (relatively new, compared to the standard type of games coming out around that time).


OLD types of games that were shoehorned into the Wii didn't sell well.


If people don't want to play the games on PS4/XBO, and you offer the same type of games via streaming, you expect them to start playing it?


I think Madden would get a boost because a lapsed 45 year old gamer might get the urge to play a game of madden around the time football season starts.

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9 minutes ago, jehurey said:

We KNOW this, because the only device that truly brought in new gamers was the Wii.


And Wii games that succeeded were because of a different method of playing games, NEW types of games (relatively new, compared to the standard type of games coming out around that time).


OLD types of games that were shoehorned into the Wii didn't sell well.


If people don't want to play the games on PS4/XBO, and you offer the same type of games via streaming, you expect them to start playing it?


I think Madden would get a boost because a lapsed 45 year old gamer might get the urge to play a game of madden around the time football season starts.

Everyone I know who plays Fifa plays it multiplayer, the streaming audience is going to run out and buy 2 controllers for $120. Ain't happening.

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They are targeting gamers themselves... The older gamers that don't care to spend money on extra devices.. having consoles lying around all over the place.  They are targeting parents with kids who have and play games on their phones..  You give the ability for kids to play console games on their phones and they'll care less and less about having or asking for a console.  It's about targeting gamers, or anyone who's looking for a more convenient way to game across all of their devices.


What they are ultimately doing... is chipping away at anyone and everyone getting them onboard... and then they begin to remove options that aren't streaming.  Consoles are going away.. that's a simple fact.  In a world where everything can be expected everywhere... there's less reason for any kind of dedicated device specific to that task to exist.  Much less for them to waste money developing it and trying to build the user base up from scratch... when the streaming user base already opens you to the entire fucking market.


It'll take a while at first... but then one day it's going to just be what it is.. and we'll all be like.. how the fuck did that happen so fast? The idea is to not require hardware.. have everyone invested in a service, constantly pouring money in regardless of how much they use it.  Because there's such a low cost to entry... meaning "Oh, I'll give this a shot for a month and if I don't like it I'll cancel it" they'll have tons of people try it who wouldn't have before.



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10 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

They are targeting gamers themselves... The older gamers that don't care to spend money on extra devices.. having consoles lying around all over the place.  They are targeting parents with kids who have and play games on their phones..  You give the ability for kids to play console games on their phones and they'll care less and less about having or asking for a console.  It's about targeting gamers, or anyone who's looking for a more convenient way to game across all of their devices.


What they are ultimately doing... is chipping away at anyone and everyone getting them onboard... and then they begin to remove options that aren't streaming.  Consoles are going away.. that's a simple fact.  In a world where everything can be expected everywhere... there's less reason for any kind of dedicated device specific to that task to exist.  Much less for them to waste money developing it and trying to build the user base up from scratch... when the streaming user base already opens you to the entire fucking market.


It'll take a while at first... but then one day it's going to just be what it is.. and we'll all be like.. how the fuck did that happen so fast? The idea is to not require hardware.. have everyone invested in a service, constantly pouring money in regardless of how much they use it.  Because there's such a low cost to entry... meaning "Oh, I'll give this a shot for a month and if I don't like it I'll cancel it" they'll have tons of people try it who wouldn't have before.



Dude when is Steam going to go streaming using your logic. It's not even in the cards right now.

Edited by Team 2019
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5 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

Game streaming already assumes you own a $60 controller, unlike any other form of streaming where you own nothing. Unless you have Playstation and XBox controllers lying around for some weird reason...

They're designing ways around that.  And buying any $60 controller that will work isn't nearly the same as buying an entire console and games separately.  Also, they could sell subscriptions with controllers in store. lol

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Just now, Remij_ said:

They're designing ways around that.  And buying any $60 controller that will work isn't nearly the same as buying an entire console and games separately.  Also, they could sell subscriptions with controllers in store. lol




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3 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:




Exactly.  There's ways around requiring a controller.


They're going to make it as easy as possible for anyone to try it, as well as any gamer to use any equipment they already have to facilitate it.


PS4/XO controllers

Touch controls

3rd party controllers

PS4/XO consoles to subscribe and stream from

Built into TVs

Apps on Phones and tablets

PC web browsers



They're going to make it playable on anything... eventually.

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