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Sadly it appears that Zen 2 doesn't support AVX512 instructions (at least at full rate)

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That kind of sucks tbh...


Though there is still a sliver of hope that Sony (next gen consoles) will have a customized version of Zen 2 which could support AVX512 instructions by working around register space limitations.  The reason why this would be helpful and in the interest of Sony (and these consoles specifically) is that if they are intent on supporting ray-tracing, the CPU supporting AVX512 instructions would greatly accelerate things like BVH Traversal calculations.. essentially making it a feasible alternative and relatively performant.



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24 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

RTX Off :tom:

You just don't get it :hest: 


Nobody has forgotten that you thought Cryteks little demo was incredible when it was running at 4K 30fps... but then it's revealed that it was really 1080p 30 and had a bunch of cut corners and was literally the cheapest RT they could do. heh..


Meanwhile Nvidia







On a completely other level.  You're NOT going to be getting that.. :hest: 

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