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Weird ass PS CEO Comment on possible future consoles

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4 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

Nobody hyped it up like it was something nobody else could do... it IS capable of doing things that no single console is doing...  You guys twist shit around like no others :tom: 


MS could, and did make it happen.  That tech demo doesn't go away because the game turned out like shit.  The game has to be readable and playable...  It has to have a structure to it...


I always said that this was just the beginning of where it would go.  And it absolutely is...


You guys always downplay future looking technologies and claim that it's all over hyped...  Same shit with ray tracing when Nvidia announced it.  But now that there's rumors of consoles supporting it and using it... it's all neat.. :rofl: 


Its the same shit every time.  I look at the tech and can visualize its use and implementation in future games.. but you fags talk about the here and now and try to blast me for it.. :francis: 

It was hyped. It failed. Cows laughed. End of story. There's nothing more, nothing less.


The only one twisting shit around here is you by injecting crap like, "cows think it's a great idea now and they didn't before!!1", "you guyz are always downpwayin technollergies1!11" when in reality cows laughed at how lemmings hyped the power of the cloud and Crackdown 3. No one said it was a bad idea, but no one believed Microsoft could pull it off... and guess what? They didn't.


You're literally creating a completely separate argument just to strengthen your previous weaker argument. Time to move on with old and weak arguments and discuss something else.

Edited by lynux3
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Are people now trying to ret-con what was promised with the cloud and Crackdown 3?   From the beginning they said that "the cloud" would be how they gain a power advantage over your Xbox gam

Just now, lynux3 said:

It was hyped. It failed. Cows laughed. End of story. There's nothing more, nothing less.


The only one twisting shit around here is you by injecting crap like, "cows think it's a great idea now and they didn't before!!1" when in reality cows laughed at how lemmings hyped the power of the cloud and Crackdown 3. No one said it was a bad idea, but no one believed Microsoft could pull it off... and guess what? They didn't.


You're literally creating a completely separate argument just to strengthen your previous weaker argument. Time to move on with old and weak arguments and discuss something else.

It didn't fail.  It actually works...


You clowns... all it takes is for Sony to talk about something :tom: 


Let it be known that when Sony gets around to it.. they'll be using MS Azure servers ROFL and it will be 2 generations since MS proved it worked with the XO :hehe: 


Lynux.  Good try man:rofls: 

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Just now, Remij_ said:

It didn't fail.  It actually works...


You clowns... all it takes is for Sony to talk about something :tom: 


Let it be known that when Sony gets around to it.. they'll be using MS Azure servers ROFL and it will be 2 generations since MS proved it worked with the XO :hehe: 


Lynux.  Good try man:rofls: 

It did fail, miserably too. Crackdown 3 is a complete letdown not only as a game, but as a promoter for the technology Microsoft was peddling as a reason to choose Xbox One over other competitor consoles. It was premature and they couldn't handle the project. That's not to say a valuable lesson wasn't learned or valuable insight wasn't gained to further develop said technology.

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4 minutes ago, lynux3 said:

It did fail, miserably too. Crackdown 3 is a complete letdown not only as a game, but as a promoter for the technology Microsoft was peddling as a reason to choose Xbox One over other competitor consoles. It was premature and they couldn't handle the project. That's not to say a valuable lesson wasn't learned or valuable insight wasn't gained to further develop said technology.

The game being garbage has nothing to do with the tech failing...  Any technically inclined person can separate the two... you idiot fanboys can't seem to do it though.


It was a proof of concept, there was a tech demo, the game released and it being "worse" does not equate to the "tech demo" not being possible... that exact same tech demo is possible today... even better... anyone knows that.  The team not using the tech to its potential, or having to deal with the realities of having to make an actual game has nothing to do with the tech.. and everything to do with the team.


Regardless... it worked.  It shipped.  I'd love to see more games incorporate advanced physics and computing into their games using it.


Anyway, fuck it.  You guys love to hate on new technologies.

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9 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

That's probably the issue.  You don't read. :reg: 



It's quite obvious you didn't read anything thus far. You're having an issue understanding why cows were laughing and/or you're injecting false claims to help your argument. It's not even worth discussing any further, and you're not proving any points. This is literally petty shit and honestly no one really cares about this technology right now, and the technology itself needs incubation time. Microsoft's implementation was disastrous and honestly they probably didn't have the right team working on it. It'll come back better down the road when someone else does it better.

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2 minutes ago, lynux3 said:

It's quite obvious you didn't read anything thus far. You're having an issue understanding why cows were laughing and/or you're injecting false claims to help your argument. It's not even worth discussing any further, and you're not proving any points. This is literally petty shit and honestly no one really cares about this technology right now, and the technology itself needs incubation time. Microsoft's implementation was disastrous and honestly they probably didn't have the right team working on it. It'll come back better down the road when someone else does it better.

Nah, I understand perfectly why cows were laughing.  Because it wasn't Sony.


Just like how you idiots laughed about ray tracing..  Once Sony and AMD do it!  Oh yep.. it's good now. :tom: 


Petty shit is right... you LOVE hating on shit until your favored companies are doing it. :heh:

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2 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

Nah, I understand perfectly why cows were laughing.  Because it wasn't Sony.


Just like how you idiots laughed about ray tracing..  Once Sony and AMD do it!  Oh yep.. it's good now. :tom: 


Petty shit is right... you LOVE hating on shit until your favored companies are doing it. :heh:

Jesus. I'm starting to think you legit take people making fun is serious. 

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Are people now trying to ret-con what was promised with the cloud and Crackdown 3?


From the beginning they said that "the cloud" would be how they gain a power advantage over your Xbox games. They had no real demonstration of this. Supposedly Titanfall 1 was supposed to have the cloud do amazing things.


It was just a fancy way of describing a dedicated server.



And then Crackdown 3 was supposed to have super amounts of physics:



It clearly didn't, and it wasn't even close. And that was for one online multiplayer mode, and the map was only 8 city blocks.


If they had to limit it because "they had to make the game playable" then they should've never shown it in the first place.


But any ret-conning that supposedly Microsoft succeeded with demonstrating their cloud gaming is pure 100% bullshit.

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3 hours ago, jehurey said:

Are people now trying to ret-con what was promised with the cloud and Crackdown 3?


From the beginning they said that "the cloud" would be how they gain a power advantage over your Xbox games. They had no real demonstration of this. Supposedly Titanfall 1 was supposed to have the cloud do amazing things.


It was just a fancy way of describing a dedicated server.



And then Crackdown 3 was supposed to have super amounts of physics:



It clearly didn't, and it wasn't even close. And that was for one online multiplayer mode, and the map was only 8 city blocks.


If they had to limit it because "they had to make the game playable" then they should've never shown it in the first place.


But any ret-conning that supposedly Microsoft succeeded with demonstrating their cloud gaming is pure 100% bullshit.

Yeah... if this doesn't tell the story and why cows are laughing then nothing will. This is well documented.


DellkidB HBK.

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4 hours ago, Goukosan said:

He does..... it's serious business to him :drake:

I don't. 


But you idiots thinking you can hand-wave away all your bullshit arguments about technology as "making fun" is hilarious though.


Just like you'll be doing when Nintendo has their streaming service and more 3rd parties stream their games to Switch :hehe: 

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