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I think Chernobyl was one of the best TV shows of all time

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Its easily the best thing I've seen on tv this decade. I didn't think it could get better than Episode 2, but it actually matched that intensity the rest of the way.


And there is a great sense of reward when you realize that this was as real as it gets, the potential disasters that could have happened were really possible. And it shows the absolute tragic heroism of Slavic people. These are people who have already suffered enough throughout history, and there were the right type of people to endure and sacrifice more and more in order to take the brunt of the damage.


The only reason why this story is this thrilling is because there was some secrecy behind it, we only had bits and pieces of the story. It captured the story from several angles, and its a science-based story, so as time passes by, the scientist are able to reconstruct what happened in order to explain it in great detail.

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21 minutes ago, -GD- said:

damn, i can't believe i haven't watched it yet. this weekend for sure! 



13 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

It has zero facts and is basically fiction. Or how things were.


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37 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

It has zero facts and is basically fiction. Or how things were.

its actually somewhat sad when we realized that you are brainwashed.


I heard that Putin is trying to make a Russian version of the events in which they try and pin blame on a secret deep american spy being at Chernobyl at the time of the incident.


And yada yada yada he may be the one responsible for it.


Which.............I want to see that show.


Russia would be saying that they were so INCOMPETENT that a single American spy was able to take down the entire soviet union? I'd watch the shit out of that.

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But, the fact that this "Republic" of Russia is actively trying to defend the actions of the former Soviet Union government goes to show that the current people in charge still have close ties to the old regime.


After all, Putin was a high-ranking KGB official at the time of Chernobyl.


The people who run this government would love nothing more than to try and secretly take it back to the days of the USSR.

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