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Microsoft E3 2019 Conference Thread

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Is this true? 

The Lego car got invited...

I know everyone is being really fucking negative, cause that's how we are.

But a lot of cool games were shown. Lots of cool shit coming out and the new consoles are probably gonna be pretty dope.

Every year people and "insiders" hype up all the shit, trolling everyone and people are left unimpressed. Its our own fault. Its the same thing every year.

So while this e3 most likely isn't gonna be one of the ones remembered, its already got my pretty excited about a bunch of games...services, hardware, etc.

So it was good for me.

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11 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

I know everyone is being really fucking negative, cause that's how we are.

But a lot of cool games were shown. Lots of cool shit coming out and the new consoles are probably gonna be pretty dope.

Every year people and "insiders" hype up all the shit, trolling everyone and people are left unimpressed. Its our own fault. Its the same thing every year.

So while this e3 most likely isn't gonna be one of the ones remembered, its already got my pretty excited about a bunch of games...services, hardware, etc.

So it was good for me.

12 Minutes, Halo Infinite and Ori were my games of the show. 

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5 minutes ago, lynux3 said:

12 Minutes, Halo Infinite and Ori were my games of the show. 

Ori is gonna be dope for sure. Halo who knows, hopefully.

12 minutes looked really cool but im not sure how it will play.

I think cyberpunk had a bad ass trailer. I want that game.

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2 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

Ima let you think about this one before I say anything.

Jonb is right @Goukosan


Ori 2 was announced at E3 2017, not last year.


Halo Infinite had been known for almost as long, but it didn't receive an official name until E3 2018.:reg:

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4 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

two of which were announced last e3

Yeah, but Ori did look pretty amazing. Halo Infinite could have had a better showing, but I like where it's going. Feels like a reboot of some sorts. I haven't followed closely, but that was my impression. 

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Just now, jehurey said:

Jonb is right @Goukosan


Ori 2 was announced at E3 2017, not last year.


Halo Infinite had been known for almost as long, but it didn't receive an official name until E3 2018.:reg:

Ok, so everything Nintendo announced last year wont be shown again because its all out. MMMkay. The Sheep and the Goonie. lol, idiots.

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1 minute ago, JONBpc said:

Ok, so everything Nintendo announced last year wont be shown again because its all out. MMMkay. The Sheep and the Goonie. lol, idiots.

LOL @Goukosan look at how he tries to shift over to Nintendo, like its a gag-reflex.


The more he tries this, the more its not going to work.

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1 minute ago, JONBpc said:

Ok, so everything Nintendo announced last year wont be shown again because its all out. MMMkay. The Sheep and the Goonie. lol, idiots.

No dumbo... MS showed nothing new... all. old shit and little to no gameplay. 


Had MS shown new shit along with old shit..fine.

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Just now, Goukosan said:

No dumbo... MS showed nothing new... all. old shit and little to no gameplay. 


Had MS shown new shit along with old shit..fine.

So no new games were announced? The new Ori footage was the same, and the Halo trailer was a repeat?

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18 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

I know everyone is being really fucking negative, cause that's how we are.

But a lot of cool games were shown. Lots of cool shit coming out and the new consoles are probably gonna be pretty dope.

Every year people and "insiders" hype up all the shit, trolling everyone and people are left unimpressed. Its our own fault. Its the same thing every year.

So while this e3 most likely isn't gonna be one of the ones remembered, its already got my pretty excited about a bunch of games...services, hardware, etc.

So it was good for me.

We don't really watch E3 for any of that though. Everyone here is rightly hating on the Gears 5 showing but we aren't saying it's gonna be a bad game. Same about how they flopped by not showing Halo gameplay, yet I'm sure it's gonna be awesome. We don't need e3 to know which games are good or not. E3 is about those special moments and surprises. About the first time you see gameplay of something or a cool surprise. Shenmue 3 and FFVII remake aren't even out yet and might end up being 5.0 flops yet that will never take away from them being one of the coolest E3 moments ever. 

MS had a chance to do that but fumbled on even the most basic of things (like showing epic Gears 5 campaign gameplay moments). The only 'moment' was Keanu Reeves. 

We didn't learn anything new about Xcloud, no awesome acquisition surprise, no amazing new IP and the things we knew about weren't fleshed out any more in any way. That conference totally not happening would have nearly changed nothing about how I feel for the games coming out. Only thing new on my radar is 12 minutes and now I'm a little more concerned about Gears 5 than prior. 

Their next gen hardware news was literally a copy of how they revealed One X with no real info. It was everything Sony said in an interview a few weeks back. 

All the GP stuff we get in press releases anyway, just how they announced GP for PC. It's an awesome service but nothing for E3.


Also to just blame the 'insiders' is laughable. MS have hyped this E3 endlessly. More than any other. For months leading up. 


Same with Bethesda. Them literally not showing up and them doing that conference has changed nothing. 

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1 minute ago, jehurey said:

LOL @Goukosan look at how he tries to shift over to Nintendo, like its a gag-reflex.


The more he tries this, the more its not going to work.

Look how you are shifting to talking to Gurkle, and not me. LOL, signs of weakness .

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4 minutes ago, lynux3 said:

Yeah, but Ori did look pretty amazing. Halo Infinite could have had a better showing, but I like where it's going. Feels like a reboot of some sorts. I haven't followed closely, but that was my impression. 

not saying Ori looked bad... but after all that hype to only show Ori and no gameplay for Halo? 

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Just now, madmaltese said:

We don't really watch E3 for any of that though. Everyone here is rightly hating on the Gears 5 showing but we aren't saying it's gonna be a bad game. Same about how they flopped by not showing Halo gameplay, yet I'm sure it's gonna be awesome. We don't need e3 to know which games are good or not. E3 is about those special moments and surprises. About the first time you see gameplay of something or a cool surprise. Shenmue 3 and FFVII remake aren't even out yet and might end up being 5.0 flops yet that will never take away from them being one of the coolest E3 moments ever. 

MS had a chance to do that but fumbled on even the most basic of things (like showing epic Gears 5 campaign gameplay moments). The only 'moment' was Keanu Reeves. 

We didn't learn anything new about Xcloud, no awesome acquisition surprise, no amazing new IP and the things we knew about weren't fleshed out any more in any way. That conference totally not happening would have nearly changed nothing about how I feel for the games coming out. Only thing new on my radar is 12 minutes and now I'm a little more concerned about Gears 5 than prior. 

Their next gen hardware news was literally a copy of how they revealed One X with no real info. It was everything Sony said in an interview a few weeks back. 

All the GP stuff we get in press releases anyway, just how they announced GP for PC. It's an awesome service but nothing for E3.


Also to just blame the 'insiders' is laughable. MS have hyped this E3 endlessly. More than any other. For months leading up. 


Same with Bethesda. Them literally not showing up and them doing that conference has changed nothing. 

Im not saying it was great, I said im happy with what I saw. and lol Shinobi is a twat, fake news to boost his e pop.

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Just now, JONBpc said:

Look how you are shifting to talking to Gurkle, and not me. LOL, signs of weakness .

Little too late for you to try and impersonate me. LOL


I am talking about you.


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Just now, Goukosan said:

not saying Ori looked bad... but after all that hype to only show Ori and no gameplay for Halo? 

True. It was a let down and then they immediately saying wait until E3 2020... Yeah, bad timing.


Oh well, this is typical fuckery. 

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Ori looks INCREDIBLE!  I was hoping for late this year though.  Oh well, will be amazing.. not worried about that at all. lol


My disappointment comes more from the expectations... and then straight up things that MS doesn't seem to understand and thus keep making the same mistakes.  Fucking Gears and Halo man... 


Show us the fucking game.  Campaign.. STORY.  That's what we want... not whatever the fuck that was with Gears and another teaser for Halo.. :shake: 

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