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How do you not show Gears 5 story campaign at your E3 2019 conference when you are Microsoft?

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Like seriously.. that was the stupidest thing ever what they did.  Announce a new game type and then show a CG video that barely explains anything.  Then show 3 people ready to play the game... and then cut away from them.. .rofl  FUCK OFF.



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When the game is out in a few months. Insane decision. A lot of them tbh in that conference. The order of games shown. The pacing. The complete F up of the 'opener', 'middle' and 'one more thing' bangers. How do they still not know how to make a conference. 


But that Gears 5 showing was one of the most unimpressive and strange things I've ever seen. I know the game will be good but if I was on the fence I would not have been sold

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