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Dynamite... I get it man

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Really, I understand... but breh.. there's no defending this conference.  The time for "next time" is over.


Yes, they will EVENTUALLY get some good games again, but this was the time they needed to shine.  The failed to deliver.. and now all the shits coming to bear.  They're likely going to get beat spec-wise by Sony again.. or at least be to the point where it doesn't matter at all.  Sony's teams will outclass MS' current teams in visuals... 


They needed to step up.. and this E3 they didn't.  It's gamepass level shit and a couple of higher quality games.  Why no fucking Gears campaign??  That's INSANE to me.  Halo Infinite was great, and I personally liked the trailer... but did it hype the game up too much?  No.. not really.  They should have shown something more action packed.  I'm sure the game is going to be awesome, but that wasn't quite the trailer they needed to instill confidence.


Again.. I get it.. but dude.. the only thing keeping MS relevant right now is their service.  It's a great value... but the quality isn't there.


It's fine to admit it.  Just upgrade your PC and get a PS5 and call that shit.  :]

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Regarding Halo, when you say something is a 'spiritual reboot', you need to show how. They slightly hinted at it last season with wildlife and shit but this year they totally dropped the ball. They showed nothing, we know nothing of the game. It needed a God of War reveal trailer where it shows an epic story cutscene and then phase into gameplay and show how this is a spiritual reboot. We now aren't gonna see gameplay till a few months prior to release. Massive fucking fail. 

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27 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

if halo is a reboot, and they found chief floating in space, does that mean they're ret-conning halo 4 and 5, their only 2 games in the franchise? :rofl: 


343 fucking sucks so much. And lmao @ that mexican guy, what the fuck was that trailer?

You have an issue with a Mexican being in the trailer? 

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+ Cortana had already found Chief in space in halo 4, so who is this guy, and why is chief back floating in space since Agent Locke (lol) saved chief at the end of Halo 5 and he's alive and well already?


Halo 4 and 5 were such massive failures that they're ret-conning their existence? :D 

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Hey, if the human are gonna fucking lose everything again to an enemy............maybe next time don't turn off Master Chief, eh?:bena:


Halo Infinite's opening cutscene should open with MC just giving a big, long, sigh.:shaq2:

Edited by jehurey
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