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Gears 5 probably looks like shit now, which is why they didn't want to show it..

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Apparently the Halo Infinite trailer was running on the Xbox One X.


Another thing these fucking insiders got wrong :tom: 


Either that or it's damage control about why it doesn't look "next gen" enough..

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Just now, DynamiteCop! said:



Please remove the tampon from your vagina, you're being a drama queen. 

No I'm not.  It was a horrible let down.  Be fucking honest with yourself. :shake: 

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1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

Dude... what they did is terrible.  Somethings fucked with the game.  It ain't coming together like planned.


What a mess.


Dude, you're talking to the guy that went on and on about how abysmal Sony E3 was last year and we got spectacular TLoU2 footage, First ever gameplay reveal of Ghosts, Death Stranding trailer, Spiderman gameplay then the absolutely epic REmake 2 moment yet is endlessly trying to defends that MS conference. 


Sony last year was defs disappointing for their standard but if you hated Sony 2018 you should absolutely despise MS 2019 

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Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

The showing was weird but that has no bearing on the game, you're getting stupid. 

Hey, I get that.  My main complaint is why they didn't show anything... but then I have to ask myself why?


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Just now, Remij_ said:

Hey, I get that.  My main complaint is why they didn't show anything... but then I have to ask myself why?


Because they can get into that at a later date, they wanted to talk about features and other gameplay modes. Was it an odd choice? Yeah, but I understand it nonetheless. 


All they have to do is release a video and that's that. 

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2 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

Apparently the Halo Infinite trailer was running on the Xbox One X.


Another thing these fucking insiders got wrong :tom: 


Either that or it's damage control about why it doesn't look "next gen" enough..

It being cross gen alone is gonna stop it from being as good as it can be. Changing settings to lower or max resolution and fps is one thing but the core gameplay is still going to be held back by current gen tech. 

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1 minute ago, madmaltese said:

It being cross gen alone is gonna stop it from being as good as it can be. Changing settings to lower or max resolution and fps is one thing but the core gameplay is still going to be held back by current gen tech. 

Who cares? It was advertised as an Xbox One game and that was its expectation, that's where it started birth. A next-gen version is just icing, not the basis of its existence. 

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1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Because they can get into that at a later date, they wanted to talk about features and other gameplay modes. Was it an odd choice? Yeah, but I understand it nonetheless. 


All they have to do is release a video and that's that. 

I don't understand it at all.  It makes NO sense.  They know what kind of things people want to see..  They know that people think they have a huge hole in their games lineup of strong single player campaign story games.  This was their chance to demo that... and the fucking announce a new MP game type with a CGI trailer??




No.. this just shows me that they AREN'T learning.

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1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

I don't understand it at all.  It makes NO sense.  They know what kind of things people want to see..  They know that people think they have a huge hole in their games lineup of strong single player campaign story games.  This was their chance to demo that... and the fucking announce a new MP game type with a CGI trailer??




No.. this just shows me that they AREN'T learning.

I'm so over the crying around here... It's like living with schizophrenics. 

Edited by DynamiteCop!
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Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

Who cares? It was advertised as an Xbox One game and that was its expectation, that's where it started birth. A next-gen version is just icing, not the basis of its existence. 

Where did I say it was the basis of it's existence. I've been saying this will be a cross gen title that launches with the new Xbox system also. Also saying it won't be a number Halo. All the while back when you were saying It will 'defs be Halo 6 because it's a trilogy!!' :grimaceleft:

I'm talking to Remij, not to your tears. 

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Just now, madmaltese said:

Where did I say it was the basis of it's existence. I've been saying this will be a cross gen title that launches with the new Xbox system also. Also saying it won't be a number Halo. All the while back when you were saying It will 'defs be Halo 6 because it's a trilogy!!' :grimaceleft:

I'm talking to Remij, not to your tears. 

It is Halo 6 tard, they already said it's a direct continuation of 5... They literally said that...

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Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

I'm so over the crying around here... It's like living with schizophrenics. 

Dude, get over it.  We're a gaming fanboy site.


As a single dude with reasonable expectations from them.. I'm disappointed.  You're making excuses.  These shows are meant to instill confidence about the future... and they failed to do that.


Gotta wait till next E3.. again. :roll: 

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2 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

Dude, get over it.  We're a gaming fanboy site.


As a single dude with reasonable expectations from them.. I'm disappointed.  You're making excuses.  These shows are meant to instill confidence about the future... and they failed to do that.


Gotta wait till next E3.. again. :roll: 

I'm not making excuses, I'm telling you to pump the brakes because you're acting like an emotional female. All they have to do is push out a story trailer and a gameplay trailer which I would bet money will be coming shortly. 


It's like the world is ending, cool it. 

Edited by DynamiteCop!
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1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

It is Halo 6 tard, they already said it's a direct continuation of 5... They literally said that...

You said it would be called Halo 6 and a continuation of the Locke story. I said they will be a reboot of sort and won't be numbers. That is what this is. They themselves call this a spiritual reboot. It's just set after Halo 5.

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Just now, madmaltese said:

You said it would be called Halo 6 and a continuation of the Locke story. I said they will be a reboot of sort and won't be numbers. That is what this is. They themselves call this a spiritual reboot. It's just set after Halo 5.

I said neither of those things.


God damn liars. 

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1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

I'm not making excuses, I'm telling you to pump the brakes because you're acting like an emotional female. All they have to do is push out a story trailer and a gameplay trailer which I would bet money will be coming shortly. 


It's like the world is ending, cool it. 

I'm not acting emotional.. I'm simply saying it sucked.  You're the one getting bothered because people are getting tired of MS' shit. :shrug: 

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1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

I said neither of those things.


God damn liars. 

plssssssss. This was before last years E3 and the initial reveal. I also said it will be a service game of some kind and you were adamant against that too. Not surprised that you sprout so much shit that you don't believe your own words though

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7 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Who cares? It was advertised as an Xbox One game and that was its expectation, that's where it started birth. A next-gen version is just icing, not the basis of its existence. 

Using your logic.... Halo Infinite Scarlet is a last gen port :leo:

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