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Switcher3 vs ps4 version

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Anybody admitting to buying this on Switch should be banned.

Imagine playing this on a shitty toddler  tablet  

Worst version of the game, four years late, as expensive as it was four years ago.   

33 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

This would make sense if the PS4 version didn't run the worst...



Which only makes my point even more. LOL  Don't know what you were trying to accomplish there.

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15 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

It looks terrible.  And will likely perform at about 20-25fps.


Why the fuck even bother? lol

You have dipshits like @lostfool ready and willing to pay $59.99 for trash. :mj: 

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an rpg like persona 5, where it's art style over tech, would do great on the switch. the witcher 3 looked rough at times on the ps4. i can't imagine the switch version. 

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