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Halo Infinite is the most anticipated shooter according to an IGN poll

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9 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

Lmao you ARE upset . Dumb idiot . 

When in doubt, use the double. Upset and dumb :D Have you ever even written a post wihtout the words upset, dumb or idiot. Oh the irony. 

9 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Coming off the heels of their last game which sold 20 million, uh duh. 

Want to compare Doom sales to COD then use the sales logic again when looking at the poll? 


COD is no.1 selling shooter every year by a country mile yet never ever ever is most anticipated shooter on IGN polls. Ever. 

You are mixing in two irrelevant things. 

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You clearly are upset , and DUMB 

Bl2 outsold every halo game .   Bl isn't a big series guyz , stop acting like the undermutt guyz I cant believe bl is so close guyz   Fucking idiot .

2 minutes ago, JONBpc said:




what do you think this thread is about? :ANYWORD:


Slow Jonny - "Halo is back most anticipated :adhd:.... oh wait I didn't mean people will actually purchase it... they will only anticipate it" :feelsbadman:

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Just now, madmaltese said:

This right after continually boasting about 20m BL2 sales 





You're like bipolar. 

Now sales dont matter in the space of 1 post :mj:

That's why we call him slow Jonny :grimaceleft:

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GearSJW is such a dead franchise though LOL


Here's betting the lesbian is gone in Gears 6 just like Red team or w/e the fuck they were called in Halo 5


I bet MS is hiding the campaign footage because they know they messed up with the lezProtag LMAO. Kind of like how they lied before halo 5 came out and told everyone half the campaign was Chief to mitigate the impending damage LOL

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2 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

It's almost too easy. You don't even need to say anything. They own themselves :D



Basically your entire contribution to this thread was saying that BL wasn't as big as Halo, and bad luck for you Take Two discussed their sales figures a mere 35 days ago.


Years and years you could have had a point and it would have gone swimmingly but you had to say this now.



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2 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Basically your entire contribution to this thread was saying that BL wasn't as big as Halo, and bad luck for you Take Two discussed their sales figures a mere 35 days ago.


Years and years you could have had a point and it would have gone swimmingly but you had to say this now.



Your entire argument here is sales figures = anticipation and you just told BC that apparently no one cares about COD HAHAHAHHAHA


funniest part is you yourself not realise how dumb the shit you say is :freeman:


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Also, I'm sure Halo Infinite has the potential to sell well, but that will only happen if it's a legitimate 9.5+ game on the calibur that Bungie used to make.


That's the thing, it won't. 343 doesn't have that ability. Reviews will be middling, it will be considered a disappointment, the campaign will be short and busted in typical 343 fashion.


Bad reputation + poor word of mouth will cap the sales off. Then you have an unfun MP mode that isn't welcoming to newcomers.


COD wins.

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2 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Oh what a terribly idiotic time for you to make a post like this.








^^ Dyno's entire argument on how much ppl care about Borderlands




Also Dyno in the exact same thread

12 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

It seems no one cares about CoD :hest:


1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

They don't. 




:mj::mj::mj: comedy gold

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26 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

This right after continually boasting about 20m BL2 sales 





You're like bipolar. 

Now sales dont matter in the space of 1 post :mj:

Boasting? Are you retarded ? Honestly? 

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also, Gears MP needs a complete overhaul. One of the worst experiences ever online for newcomers. People play 1 or 2 matches, get wall-bounced, and go 0-10 and just leave forever. :rofl: 


You have an entire MP mode accommodating a 15-year old glitch from the first game.... and you wonder why Gears 4 can't even make top 30 on XBL. Fuck the core Gears community, that entire MP mode needs a revamp from scratch.

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