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Phil's thoughts on Play Anywhere/Future

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Totilo: I’m curious how far you see this vision extend, because I know some people wonder: “Does Xbox even need to have a box?” long-term. Does it need to have all its games all on one device anymore? Where does this go eventually?


Spencer: We use this tagline both internally and externally: Play the games you want, with the people you want and we say on the devices [you want], which you can think about as “anywhere.” And we are driven by that. We actually think two billion gamers on the planet, the size of the business that gaming is today, that for us the industry continues to grow when we reduce friction to people coming in.

The scenario that always just drives me crazy is, I’m a parent, you’re a parent, we live in the same neighborhood, we have kids, you go into Best Buy and you happen to buy an Xbox. I go into Best Buy and happen to come out with a PlayStation. Our kids want to play Minecraft together, and they can’t. And I think overall, as a gaming industry, how does that grow gaming? It’s changing, it’s not just us. We’ve made great inroads with Nintendo. But this started when we were going to ship our first-party games on Xbox and PC at the same time, a few years ago.

There’s always the core that kind of comes back [and says]: “You’re reducing the need to buy an Xbox.” I actually find that in reality people play on a console because they enjoy playing on a television on the couch with a controller in their hands, and it’s an experiential thing more than it is trying to sell an individual device. To shorten it: We focus on the player; we don’t focus on the device.

Edited by Team 2019
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Yeah, he almost speaks like a politician and gives obtuse answers and tries to reframe the question in such an obtuse way for him to direct it into his marketing spiel.


Believe me...........when he's sitting with all the other Microsoft top executives, he isn't giving them vague answers, he's already told them specifically about what they intend to do.

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23 minutes ago, jehurey said:

Yeah, he almost speaks like a politician and gives obtuse answers and tries to reframe the question in such an obtuse way for him to direct it into his marketing spiel.


Believe me...........when he's sitting with all the other Microsoft top executives, he isn't giving them vague answers, he's already told them specifically about what they intend to do.

Well it's obviously all currently in the works. They're looking at their XBox sales, negotiating with Sony and Nintendo. They haven't made the call yet.


If Sony and Nintendo play ball with XBox Live integration for the games, and the sales of XBox keep being weak. It's gonna happen.


Though I think they might wait a year to see Scarlett sells before making the call with PS specifically, and depends on their Sony negotiations. If XBox drops even further than this month, that will be some additional "motivation".




If these questions were asked to Nintendo or Sony, the answer would straight away be no.

Edited by Team 2019
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I like his point about about two parents having kids with different consoles, and allowing crossplay so people can play irrelevant of the boxes they own.


But I remember perfectly when PS3 Unreal Tournament and Portal 2 allowed cross PC play when 360 didn't. When they had the lead they were just as protective of the ecosystem as Sony is now. So I don't buy into that bullshit. If they were at 100 million sold, you can bet your ass cross play wouldnt be on the agenda. I also remember the COD map packs that took up half of each E3 conference in the 360 days. Phil we know why you're acting like this.

Edited by Team 2019
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9 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

I like his point about about two parents having kids with different consoles, and allowing crossplay so people can play irrelevant of the boxes they own.


But I remember perfectly when PS3 Unreal Tournament and Portal 2 allowed cross PC play when 360 didn't. When they had the lead they were just as protective of the ecosystem as Sony is now. So I don't buy into that bullshit. If they were at 100 million sold, you can bet your ass cross play wouldnt be on the agenda. I also remember the COD map packs that took up half of each E3 conference in the 360 days. Phil we know why you're acting like this.

You know Phil wasn't around during 360 

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Just now, Team 2019 said:

The reason your getting vague no denial talk, is because this month the SAD tanked it's launch, and XBox had its lowest month in 5 years. It's making Phil more "negotiable" and "open" and "forward thinking".

No it's just him dancing around questions and you're reading into it more than you should be. 

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2 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

No it's just him dancing around questions and you're reading into it more than you should be. 

I'll take Jason's word on this, he is one of the most reliable people in the industry. It's clear MS is open up if the opposing team plays ball, and XBox sales continue to suck.

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3 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

No it's just him dancing around questions and you're reading into it more than you should be. 

The fact that he's "dancing" around the most simplest of questions is already enough to read. LOL


I love how you conveniently play stupid when it suits you.

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How did Microsoft's and Nintendo's E3 work out for you fags this year? 


Just shut up, you guys are relentlessly stupid and continue to kick the can down the road.


Your dream isn't happening, eat a dick and be quiet because you're fucking annoying. 

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1 minute ago, Team 2019 said:

I love how first Phil called MS is one of the largest third parties on Switch, and now is talking about "making inwards" with Switch support.


It's like literally the opposite of what Dynamite said.

And he shot the Switch thing down in its entirety when Giant Bomb interviewed him and pressed him about it. 



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5 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

He's a con-man and a huckster. His job is to peddle his half-dead box, he knows deep down it's fucking retarded not to have exclusives, it's just that his market share is so piss low that he can't make deals for exclusives anymore.



Plus the game pass model of 10 bucks makes it suicide to make 50+ million dollar single player games. Straight to Gamepass strategy. He knows that shit ain't selling any consoles.

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