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Digital Foundry: The NEW Doom Trilogy Console Ports: There's Good News And Bad News

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    Doom 1 and 2:

    - Coded using C# using Unity as a shell.
    - Uses software rendering on all machines.
    - 1080p on all consoles
    - Uneven pixels because of not scaling pixels properly.
    - Aspect ratio is incorrect
    - 35 frame rate cap on all machines, which does not divide evenly on 60hz displays, meaning uneven judder.
    - Lighting is incorrect and overly bright in certain scenarios
    - Music playback is slower and less accurate.
    - Sound effects also seem muffled
    - "This version doesn't look or sound great"
    Click to shrink...

    Doom 3

    - Converted by Panic Button on all platforms.
    - Switch 1080p/60 docked - 720p/60 undocked
    - PS4 Pro/Xbox X - Native 4K with native downsampling on Pro
    - Base consoles: 1080p/60 FPS
    - FoV and flashlight adjustments present in Console version (equivalent to Ultra quality on PC)
    - Xbox X and Pro: Rock solid 60 FPS @ Native 4K on both
    - Base: Rock solid 60 FPS
    - Switch: 60 FPS target is not met in larger areas. Enabling flashlight shadows and maxing out FOV also incurs frame rate drops.
    - Decreasing FoV and disabling flashlight shadows gives a 15% performance improvement on Switch.
    - Switch generally runs better in portable compared to Docked.
    - Load times are much faster than PS3/360 versions of the BFG edition

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11 minutes ago, Optimus Jim said:

Can't block my next attack - the BFG.

It's a .gif file that exceeds the media file limit? :wow:

Edited by Teh_Diplomat
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55 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

So.Doom and Doom II as far as consoles are concerned are still best on the original Xbox




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They're like $6 ports lmfao, give it a fucking rest DF. We don't need your gay nerd analysis to tell us what resolution 1995 PC game ports run at. Fucking ridiculous.


Also, due to Nintendo's pro consumer policies (You get money credited to your account for every game you buy on the e-shop) I basically got doom 3 for free.



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