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OK, I just woke up to news that there has been ANOTHER mass shooting in the US, this time in Dayton Ohio... 9 dead, 16 injured

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2 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

What's your deal? I'd love for gang violence to go away and all shootings. They can ban guns for all.i care . Won't stop it tho .

But that list is BS and gang violence is not the same as random guy goes kills x amount of random people 

The point is destroying you and dyno’s idiotic excuses. Every excuse you and him mention is issues suffered by every other country that does not have gun violence. 


You trying to hand wash it is stupid as fuck. You have more of every category of mass shooting. You have the most gang mass shootings, the most school mass shootings, the most random fuck kills random ppl, the most racial motivated mass shootings, etc etc 



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Ah I love analogy..............because I can tear it down so easily.   You ARE DRIVING YOUR CAR every day, aren't you?   Then that is why you pay for having auto insurance 24 hours

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This is absolutely terrifying.  What the absolute fuck is going on in the states?  This is a growing problem which isn't happening in other countries, and the government needs to act.   This

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Just now, madmaltese said:

The point is destroying you and dyno’s idiotic excuses. Every excuse you and him mention is issues suffered by every other country that does not have gun violence. 


You trying to hand wash it is stupid as fuck. You have more of every category of mass shooting. You have the most gang mass shootings, the most school mass shootings, the most random fuck kills random ppl, the most racial motivated mass shootings, etc etc 



I'm not sure why your mad at me . I'm guessing you just think the government can snap their fingers and take away 400 million guns .

You think everything is easy. 


And damn in Brazil doesnt have a gun problem,  how are they doing this? Machetes ?


In 2017, Brazil had a murder rate of 29.2 per 100,000 population. There were a total of 56,101 murders in Brazil in 2017. Another study has the 2017 murder rate at 32.4 per 100,000, with 64,357 homicides.

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1 minute ago, JONBpc said:

I'm not sure why your mad at me . I'm guessing you just think the government can snap their fingers and take away 400 million guns .

You think everything is easy. 


And damn in Brazil doesnt have a gun problem,  how are they doing this? Machetes ?


In 2017, Brazil had a murder rate of 29.2 per 100,000 population. There were a total of 56,101 murders in Brazil in 2017. Another study has the 2017 murder rate at 32.4 per 100,000, with 64,357 homicides.

I have no problem. I don’t live in the US thankfully. If you want to continue being all surprised and saddened when this happens continuously continue to do so.


There’s a gigantic difference between getting rid of 400m guns and literally doing nothing at all, which is what you’re fine with. 


Yup, Brazil is crazy unsafe and has gigantic gang and homicide issues. And that’s the country the self proclaimed best country in the world has had to have it’s residents compare with to have any semblance of ‘safety’. What they don’t have is a mass shooting problem

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I'd rather have a mass shooting problem than the problem Brazil and many other countries have .


I'm not acting surprised ? I expect these shootings to continue to happen .


There are gun laws you know . Sure they can tighten them up but then all youre telling the people that have in it thier heads that they are going to kill a bunch of people might have to work a little harder to do it .


Killer cant get a gun legally? Hmm I'll just go murder my neighbor,  take his and then go on my spree. You think it's easy. 


Try going to Chicago too, while your at it .

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How about having neither? Instead of comparing yourself to a drug trafficking nation with massive cartel/gang issues and country wide government corruption maybe try comparing to Canada, Aus, NZ or any European nation.


I’m not having this merry go round with you again and again. You simply can’t understand that the sole act of making it harder to kill ppl is why other countries don’t have this problem. It’s not only insanely easy to obtain a gun in US it’s insanely easy to obtain a gun that can kill an insane amount of ppl. Tell me a single good reason why anyone would need an AR-15? Even just banning them would make a difference. Same insane person with even just a weaker gun can save numerous lives. Just start thinking of how much each single number in these statistics mean. Every single 1 is someone’s mother/daughter/wife/son/father/ etc.

if even 1 single person is saved from the slightest tightening of gun laws it would be worth it.

but if won’t happen because yous value guns more than ppl and ppl like you wave it away as an impossible issue. You continually go on and on about it’s impossible cause your head only sees it a solution if it goes from 250 shootings to 0. How about thinking that it is worthwhile even if you go from 200 dead to 190. That’s 10 father/mother/sons/daughter etc saved that in turn influences dozens of lives.

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Ok America it's time to raise the age restriction on guns. It's time to have background checks and mandatory gun safety courses and licensing like we have in Canada. 


Seriously why the fuck do you only need to be 18 or less in some states but you have to be 21 to drink a beer? What kind of logic is this? 

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42 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

What does this have to do with mass shootings? We aren’t talking about the safest country in the world. We are talking about the clear issue of gun laws and all your point is really proving is that even in such a higher risk and crime area like Brazil, stricter gun laws works to reduce mass shootings. 

Thats a very narrow minded way to look at things. The point im trying to make is that you are 100x more likely to be shot in Brazil than you are in the U.S. That chart is making some implications that aren't all indicative of how safe a country is.

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Because you cant just stop it . You think I want those things ? 


As I said idc if they completely ban guns. I dont think that will change anything . These.crazy guys will start bombing places then .


I'm not against stricter gun laws . Im just not agreeing its gonna stop , or even help .

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2 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

Did slow Jonny just compare the United States to Brazil to make the point that gun violence is not an issue in the US? :lemming:



When did I say gun violence isn't a problem ? 

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I’m a gun owner and a liberal. It’s a really hard and complicated issue here. The good majority of gun owners know and practice all the fundamentals of gun safety. We’re not going to ban all guns it’s in our constitution and the gun lobby is so large it has its own channel. There do need to be tighter regulations that I can see doing well to curtail plenty of violence. No civilian needs a semi automatic rifle with a 30 round magazine. The one and only thing I will give the Trump administration is the good they did when they banned the bump stock. 

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2 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

Because you cant just stop it . You think I want those things ? 


As I said idc if they completely ban guns. I dont think that will change anything . These.crazy guys will start bombing places then .


I'm not against stricter gun laws . Im just not agreeing its gonna stop , or even help .

Bro, I can’t even. Some of the stuff you say. You have evidence of dozens of countries with gun control to see what crazy ppl do without guns. Where the fuck are they just bombing places. Crazy ppl do crazy things still, it just doesn’t involve killing a shit ton of ppl cause they don’t have a fucking AR15, it’s not anymore complicated that that. 


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7 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Thats a very narrow minded way to look at things. The point im trying to make is that you are 100x more likely to be shot in Brazil than you are in the U.S. That chart is making some implications that aren't all indicative of how safe a country is.

The chart is only making implications about mass shootings. 

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1 minute ago, madmaltese said:

Bro, I can’t even. Some of the stuff you say. You have evidence of dozens of countries with gun control to see what crazy ppl do without guns. Where the fuck are they just bombing places. Crazy ppl do crazy things still, it just doesn’t involve killing a shit ton of ppl cause they don’t have a fucking AR15, it’s not anymore complicated that that. 


Because America is more fucked up than other countries and probably has more guns than every other country . 


Accessibility will be easier regardless.of tougher laws .



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1 minute ago, madmaltese said:

The chart is only making implications about mass shootings. 

The chart is loaded with gang/ other violence. I've never seen you get all upset about that .


But you do get upset when a guy goes on a public shooting spree . 


It's because there IS a difference. 

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Just now, JONBpc said:

The chart is loaded with gang/ other violence. I've never seen you get all upset about that .


But you do get upset when a guy goes on a public shooting spree . 


It's because there IS a difference. 

They want to blur the lines because it perpetuates the agenda and falsity of its real impact. 

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America could use a more strict checkup on gun purchases. 

Background check, raise the age to 21 and have it all registered even ammo purchases. 

But giving up guns no, you don't want to be left at the mercy of others fuck that pea brain Eurocuck shit 


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