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OK, I just woke up to news that there has been ANOTHER mass shooting in the US, this time in Dayton Ohio... 9 dead, 16 injured

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It's gotten to a point now where banning guns isn't going to work in the us. There's just too many damn guns out there that banning guns is not solving anything and actually making the problem worse as law abiding citizens won't have access to defend their homes from crazy dumbfucks like this. 


My my brother tried to sell a iPad just the other day and they stole it from him and as he was running he dropped a gun. Guns are so prevalent that it's basically assumed everyone that looks shady is packing 

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Ah I love analogy..............because I can tear it down so easily.   You ARE DRIVING YOUR CAR every day, aren't you?   Then that is why you pay for having auto insurance 24 hours

LMFAO  JEHUREY CRYING LIKE A BABY WITH A RATTLER     "Wemij, wemij, heez dewailing the thwead"     OMG  

This is absolutely terrifying.  What the absolute fuck is going on in the states?  This is a growing problem which isn't happening in other countries, and the government needs to act.   This

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1 hour ago, Delita said:

It's gotten to a point now where banning guns isn't going to work in the us. There's just too many damn guns out there that banning guns is not solving anything and actually making the problem worse as law abiding citizens won't have access to defend their homes from crazy dumbfucks like this. 


My my brother tried to sell a iPad just the other day and they stole it from him and as he was running he dropped a gun. Guns are so prevalent that it's basically assumed everyone that looks shady is packing 

It would have an effect. It wouldn't be easy, it would require manpower.  But we would also need to have the prices of bullets skyrocket.


The people who illegally want to have guns would end up losing alot of money trying to keep the gun and using it. Make bullets expensive and scarce for civilians. This would probably have the most effect on gang-ridden areas like Chicago.


Also, even though the numbers of guns is enough to equal one gun for each American, its really about 25-30% of people who actually own all of the guns. There are perfectly good law abiding citizens (who have plenty of money) that own like 10 rifles.

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People are losing it, politicians are complainant. 


America is a paradise lost.. Then again was it ever anything but a land built on blood? This is just our arrogance and greed, prejudice and lack of empathy coming to bit us in the ass..


Idk how to feel about this country rn.. its depressing.

Edited by strik3r2
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1 hour ago, Goukosan said:

Congress now wants to cut their recess short to pass some new gun laws... 


Trump just blamed white supremacy and racists for all these mass shootings 



Right Wingers right now - :lupe:

The Ohio guy was far left. 

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7 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

The Ohio guy was far left. 

Really? Show us.


And make sure you post everything.....or else we'll point it out to you. You'll come to see that all the things that he believes in actually makes no sense for anybody to confirm that he's an actual liberal who follows any people on the left.

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1 hour ago, Goukosan said:

Congress now wants to cut their recess short to pass some new gun laws... 


Trump just blamed white supremacy and racists for all these mass shootings 



Right Wingers right now - :lupe:

To be fair, its only Schumer and Pelosi who is calling on Moscow Mitch to bring the bill to the floor.


The only thing Mitch McConnell has brought to the floor in recent memory was his own shoulder.


Yeah, Trump is almost doing the same exact things he did in the 2-3 days after the Charlottesville incident, where he gets pressured enough to finally place some blame on white racists, but then he tries to walk it back in the days afterwards and becomes defensive about it.


I expect the same thing to happen with this.

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5 minutes ago, jehurey said:

Really? Show us.


And make sure you post everything.....or else we'll point it out to you. You'll come to see that all the things that he believes in actually makes no sense for anybody to confirm that he's an actual liberal who follows any people on the left.

He def wasn't on the right . Looks yourself. 

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2 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

He def wasn't on the right . Looks yourself. 

He definitely wasn't on the left.  That's why people have been saying throughout the weekend that out of the two shootings that occurred, only El Paso was the one that was clearly politically and racially motivated.


The guy in Dayton was just crazy and emotionally unstable. he shot his own sister in the incident.

Thanks for agreeing with me and everybody else.

Edited by jehurey
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2 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

His postings leaned left



Get.over it 

Really?  Him being into satanism is considered leaning left?


Explain that to me.


You're not going to succeed, so I don't know why you are even trying. But let's hear it.

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1 minute ago, bhytre said:


Article that will probably quickly get dismissed by the resident libcucks, but a lot of it makes sense.

Things that gun restrictions won't remedy anytime soon.

I'm pretty sure that I have no reason to fear any of these modern-day incels. They can't pose much harm.


...................unless they have access to firearms. Its the ONLY thing that gives them power to harm people on any menaingful scale.


So, yes, actually removing guns from these people does improve things.


I'll take my chances with an incel alt-right cuck who has no gun any day of the week. They have to get out of their Dodge Charger eventually.

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1 minute ago, JONBpc said:

He claimed himself a leftist , praised antifa, bitched about trump and begged for blue. 


You read the same thing everyone did. 

And he also said he was a satanist, did he not?


Why are you bothering to omit that?


Oh, and he literally said he supported gun control....he kind of destroys his own credibility, don't you think?

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1 minute ago, jehurey said:

I'm pretty sure that I have no reason to fear any of these modern-day incels. They can't pose much harm.


...................unless they have access to firearms. Its the ONLY thing that gives them power to harm people on any menaingful scale.


So, yes, actually removing guns from these people does improve things.


I'll take my chances with an incel alt-right cuck who has no gun any day of the week. They have to get out of their Dodge Charger eventually.

It's not like you could ever get hurt by these rampaging incels when you don't leave your home Jederpey:sass2:

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2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

And he also said he was a satanist, did he not?


Why are you bothering to omit that?


Oh, and he literally said he supported gun control....he kind of destroys his own credibility, don't you think?

His Twitter profile literally said leftist .


Get over it


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Just now, JONBpc said:

His Twitter profile literally said leftist .


Get over it


Uh huh..........so, do what we did with the El Paso shooter.


Tie his positions and his words.........with the politicians words.........and the people he killed in order to verify that this was a politically motivated shooting.


Here let me give you an example:

-El Paso shooter specifically said that immigrants are "invading" the country, and he hates inter-racial relationships.

-Donald Trump uses that same language to say that immigrants are "invading the country" and they must "fight back."

-El Paso shooter specifically target Latinos.


That is how we concluded that the El Paso shooting is politically motivated.


Now take the Dayton, OH shooter...........and try to find words from Elizabeth Warren that he used as the basis for his attack, and verify that he wanted to kill the specific type of people that Elizabeth Warren was talking about.


I'll wait.

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