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OK, I just woke up to news that there has been ANOTHER mass shooting in the US, this time in Dayton Ohio... 9 dead, 16 injured

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Just now, Remij_ said:

I live in constant fear that people are going to come and rob or kill me. :lupe:

You guys go on and on about how unsafe the United States is and how gun violence and violence in general is out of control but a guy bunkering down in his home to protect himself from it with a gun is crazy.



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Ah I love analogy..............because I can tear it down so easily.   You ARE DRIVING YOUR CAR every day, aren't you?   Then that is why you pay for having auto insurance 24 hours

LMFAO  JEHUREY CRYING LIKE A BABY WITH A RATTLER     "Wemij, wemij, heez dewailing the thwead"     OMG  

This is absolutely terrifying.  What the absolute fuck is going on in the states?  This is a growing problem which isn't happening in other countries, and the government needs to act.   This

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4 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

That video explains everything from top to bottom, your unwillingness to watch and experience the process from beginning to end is on you, not me. 


You're choosing to remain ignorant. 

You keep saying it will stop law abiding citizens... yet somehow you can't actually say HOW IT WILL. 


I mean.. it should be easy for you to say how... since you're so sure it will. 

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1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

I live in constant fear that people are going to come and rob or kill me. :lupe:

There is over 2 million home break ins a year . There is zero things wrong with wanting to protect your family by owning a gun. 

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Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

You guys go on and on about how unsafe the United States is and how gun violence and violence in general is out of control but a guy bunkering down in his home to protect himself from it with a gun is crazy.



I think you worry about having to bunker down in your home BECAUSE there's so much gun violence and violence in general there...

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Just now, Goukosan said:

You keep saying it will stop law abiding citizens... yet somehow you can't actually say HOW IT WILL. 


I mean.. it should be easy for you to say how... since you're so sure it will. 

Watch the video, it's not that long. It's a perfect example of the systems of gun control failing the eligible, making the process unthinkably convoluted and time consuming. 

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1 minute ago, JONBpc said:

There is over 2 million home break ins a year . There is zero things wrong with wanting to protect your family by owning a gun. 

Probably because your gangs are out of control.... and they all have guns and feel confident in breaking in...


Any fuckhead with a legal gun could decide to break into a house and feel confident with it.   You're justifying needing a gun at home BECAUSE that is the reality...

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4 minutes ago, SheepKilla said:

Hold on... Imma stop this imperial power with armies, muskets, resources, troops, with a bunch of farmers and some guns... BRB :tophat2:



Wait.. these drones are moving too quickly... like me get my AK - 47....im about the stop the US government as a civilization in 2019 :gun:

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1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

Probably because your gangs are out of control.... and they all have guns and feel confident in breaking in...

Ok ? Si what's wrong with wanting to protect yourself and family ?

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1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Watch the video, it's not that long. It's a perfect example of the systems of gun control failing the eligible, making the process unthinkably convoluted and time consuming. 

Bro.... Why can't you explain your point?


You are a gun owner right?   You feel that gun regulation will stop you from owning guns right? 


Exactly HOW will it do that? :interesting:



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2 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

Wait.. these drones are moving too quickly... like me get my AK - 47....im about the stop the US government as a civilization in 2019 :gun:

You're operating under the assuming that if the government tried to pull something like this that the military and government in its entirety would be complicite, they wouldn't be, we'd not only have the backing of those branches which are not, we'd have our home arsenals as well.


We would have drones, tanks, jets, nuclear weapons, we wouldn't be shooting at tanks with a bunch of AK's... only. 

Edited by DynamiteCop!
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Just now, JONBpc said:

Ok ? Si what's wrong with wanting to protect yourself and family ?

Nothing.  Ideally you wouldn't have any random idiots running around with guns that are easily accessible... and thus... wouldn't have to worry about it..........

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Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

You're operating under the assuming that if the government tried to pull something like this that the military and government in its entirety would be complicite, they wouldn't be, we'd not only have the backing of those branches which are not, we'd have our home arsenals as well.

Fucking clowns :D 

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Just now, Goukosan said:

Wait.. these drones are moving too quickly... like me get my AK - 47....im about the stop the US government as a civilization in 2019 :gun:

You have no idea how war, territorial control, numbers, and strategy works. 


It's not as simple as sending drones in to bomb people. Otherwise, we'd have won in the Middle East and not spent 10 years there worthlessly doing nothing. And that's against a FOREIGN enemy, not a civil war. 

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1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

Nothing.  Ideally you wouldn't have any random idiots running around with guns that are easily accessible... and thus... wouldn't have to worry about it..........

No, instead they'll turn to knives and stabbings. Like in London. 


Yet I don't see you arguing we should ban knives. 

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3 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

Bro.... Why can't you explain your point?


You are a gun owner right?   You feel that gun regulation will stop you from owning guns right? 


Exactly HOW will it do that? :interesting:



Watch it or don't bother, I'm not wasting anymore effort trying to convince you of anything when you won't make the slightest bit of effort to watch the acquisition process first hand from beginning to end and how problematic it is. 


You don't want to know, you're not interested in knowing, you want to continue peddling your psychosis. 



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Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

You're operating under the assuming that if the government tried to pull something like this that the military and government in its entirety would be complicite, they wouldn't be, we'd not only have the backing of those branches which are not, we'd have our home arsenals as well.



You are banking on the military siding with you vs the government? :rofls:


Bro, if the US government were to try to pull this... the first thing they would do is to ensure the military,CIA etc are in it's back pockets. 


You and SheepKilla are beyond delusional. 

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2 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

Nothing.  Ideally you wouldn't have any random idiots running around with guns that are easily accessible... and thus... wouldn't have to worry about it..........

Ideally.  That's NOT how it is . Like you said the reality is that people will break in and kill you and your family.

Reality is there is nothing wrong with wanting to protect yourself and them , regardless of the chance of it happening .

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