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OK, I just woke up to news that there has been ANOTHER mass shooting in the US, this time in Dayton Ohio... 9 dead, 16 injured

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Ah I love analogy..............because I can tear it down so easily.   You ARE DRIVING YOUR CAR every day, aren't you?   Then that is why you pay for having auto insurance 24 hours

LMFAO  JEHUREY CRYING LIKE A BABY WITH A RATTLER     "Wemij, wemij, heez dewailing the thwead"     OMG  

This is absolutely terrifying.  What the absolute fuck is going on in the states?  This is a growing problem which isn't happening in other countries, and the government needs to act.   This

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1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

We really don't need to be from America Jon.  If anything it's because we're not from there that we can tell you how ridiculous the countries views on it are. :shrug: 

No , its outside looking in .


Just assuming that every country can be the same . They aren't man . We got 4 or 5 people itt that are very very different .


How do you expect all countries to be the same ?



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4 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

That's the point.  I dont agree with a lot of what you say but I let you have your opinion. 


These guys will not let you have an opinion . 


They think what they say is god . Funny part half them arent even from here .

DynamiteCop has yet to actually discuss how better gun control laws in the US will stop law abiding us citizens from having guns :sass1:

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1 minute ago, jehurey said:

Still talking about me. Wow, he's really mad now, he's not hiding it.

You cant stop responding . Because this isn't about the topic , it's about you .


Keep proving me right .

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2 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

You guys need to change your mindset as well , imo.



Well not really.  Mine is of the attitude that something can be done and the willingness to try.  Yours is of the opinion that it's impossible and that you aren't willing to try.


Only one mindset of those two would ever get anything done :shrug: 

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Just now, Goukosan said:

DynamiteCop has yet to actually discuss how better gun control laws in the US will stop law abiding us citizens from having guns :sass1:

Ok . I'm not defending him itt. Ik just letting him do him .


Its obviously he will have you guys hanging on him , like every other thread .


Maybe take him and his thoughts a little less personal .

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Just now, Remij_ said:

Well not really.  Mine is of the attitude that something can be done and the willingness to try.  Yours is of the opinion that it's impossible and that you aren't willing to try.


Only one mindset of those two would ever get anything done :shrug: 

No , I never said I wouldnt be willing to let anyone try. I never , never , never said this stuff.

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Just now, JONBpc said:

You cant stop responding . Because this isn't about the topic , it's about you .


Keep proving me right .

The topic is about how gun control will help control mass shootings. 


DynamiteCop believes it will stop law abiding citizens from having guns and they would take it away. 


Yet.. he can't explain how this would actually happen :sass1:

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1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

Then there's nothing to discuss.  You think it's impossible, and you're not willing to give up that something that you've never had to use.. to help improve your situation.  That's why it's hard to feel sorry for you guys.


I'm not saying remove guns from people who want to protect their homes.... at least.. not right away.  Remove guns from the streets and make it harder for people to get guns.  How many guns does a person need for protection?  Make it HARDER and stricter, and help educate people to understand that making it harder to get a gun isn't infringing on their right to protect themselves... it's making it harder for people who would use those guns to commit crimes to gain access to them.


You've got to change your mindsets man.

Do you not understand that there are 400 million LEGAL guns in circulation, 400 million... Do you not understand that AT LEAST half of country shares the view of not wanting to part with them, especially on the back of gross minority problems which sparsely relate to them or their legal and lawful ownership of firearms. 


The criminal use of legal firearms is a minute fraction of weapon offenses, and those with lawful ownership who are responsible for these offenses are an astronomically tiny percentage of that 400 million. We're talking a few grains of sand in a hot tub full of it. 


It's not compelling, you're not going to convince the obscene majority which is responsible for mostly none of this; that a few bad apples and those committing crimes with illegal weapons in any way share commonality with them or the ability to maintain ownership and seek further weapon purchases.

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2 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

Then there's nothing to discuss.  You think it's impossible, and you're not willing to give up that something that you've never had to use.. to help improve the countries situation.  That's why it's hard to feel sorry for you guys.


I'm not saying remove guns from people who want to protect their homes.... at least.. not right away.  Remove guns from the streets and make it harder for people to get guns.  How many guns does a person need for protection?  Make it HARDER and stricter, and help educate people to understand that making it harder to get a gun isn't infringing on their right to protect themselves... it's making it harder for people who would use those guns to commit crimes to gain access to them.


You've got to change your mindsets man.

The problem is you're not addressing the root of the problem. You only think you are. Eventually the goalposts will change. 


When guns are banned, it will turn into "ban knives." "Ban X, Y, and Z." 


The fact is, if a bad person wants to do something bad, THEY ARE GOING TO DO IT. Nothing will stop them, unless you stripped all liberties to the point of becoming a totalitarian state. 


Nothing will stop them. Everyone and their family are permanently at risk, 24/7. Because this is LIFE. Banning guns won't magically solve the problems. You've merely been convinced that they WILL.  

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1 minute ago, JONBpc said:

You cant stop responding . Because this isn't about the topic , it's about you .


Keep proving me right .

He's even admitting that he's intentionally trying to derail Remij's thread.

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1 minute ago, JONBpc said:

Ok . I'm not defending him itt. Ik just letting him do him .


Its obviously he will have you guys hanging on him , like every other thread .


Maybe take him and his thoughts a little less personal .

Im not taking anything he says personal.... we're all having a discussion. 


He made claims that he can't back up. 


he still can't explain HOW better gun control laws would stop law abiding citizens from gun ownership. 

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Just now, JONBpc said:

No , I never said I wouldnt be willing to let anyone try. I never , never , never said this stuff.

You might not say it... but that's the feeling I get.  Because there always seems to be some excuse.  Like as if it doesn't do enough in that very instant, then it's not going to work.


Again, I'm not saying remove guns from people for protection... but it should be DAMN hard to get one legally... and the goal shouldn't be to remove guns from law abiding citizens...but rather get crime under control to the point where those same citizens don't see the need to have to own a gun to feel safe.

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Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

Do you not understand that there are 400 million LEGAL guns in circulation, 400 million... Do you not understand that AT LEAST half of country shares the view of not wanting to part with them, especially on the back of gross minority problems which sparsely relate to them or their legal and lawful ownership of firearms. 


The criminal use of legal firearms is a minute fraction of weapon offenses, and those with lawful ownership who are responsible for these offenses are an astronomically tiny percentage of that 400 million. We're talking a few grains of sand in a hot tub full of it. 


It's not compelling, you're not going to convince the obscene majority which is responsible for mostly none of this; that a few bad apples and those committing crimes with illegal weapons in any way share commonality with them or the ability to maintain ownership and seek further weapon purchases.

Its not half the country.




The majority of America is NON-gun.


And basically 30% of Americans own 100% of all the guns.

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16 minutes ago, SheepKilla said:

"I'm not from London, I'm from the UK" 


LMFAO. They're now ashamed of their capital :D:D:D 

The voices in your head talking to you again? :rofls:


Who are the "they" you're taking about.... who said that? 


Do the voices in your head have names? :lemming:

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1 minute ago, jehurey said:

Its not half the country.




The majority of America is NON-gun.


And basically 30% of Americans own 100% of all the guns.

That just shows you how completely EXCESSIVE the amount of guns per person is.


You almost can't justify needing more than a single gun for protection.

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1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

You might not say it... but that's the feeling I get.  Because there always seems to be some excuse.  Like as if it doesn't do enough in that very instant, then it's not going to work.


Again, I'm not saying remove guns from people for protection... but it should be DAMN hard to get one legally... and the goal shouldn't be to remove guns from law abiding citizens...but rather get crime under control to the point where those same citizens don't see the need to have to own a gun to feel safe.

He uses certain right-wing talking points.


I'll give him credit........he doesn't use ALL of the standard right-wing talking points.


For somebody who supposedly tries to act "above the fray" he seems to get alot of his talking points from the pro-gun side.

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5 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

The topic is about how gun control will help control mass shootings. 


DynamiteCop believes it will stop law abiding citizens from having guns and they would take it away. 


Yet.. he can't explain how this would actually happen :sass1:

Ok , than carry on with him 

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3 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

You might not say it... but that's the feeling I get.  Because there always seems to be some excuse.  Like as if it doesn't do enough in that very instant, then it's not going to work.


Again, I'm not saying remove guns from people for protection... but it should be DAMN hard to get one legally... and the goal shouldn't be to remove guns from law abiding citizens...but rather get crime under control to the point where those same citizens don't see the need to have to own a gun to feel safe.

Ok , the feeling you get ? 


That's enough of this. Think what you want man .

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2 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

That just shows you how completely EXCESSIVE the amount of guns per person is.


You almost can't justify needing more than a single gun for protection.

Why should the amount, type of gun or its use case be a factor in anything?


If you're not killing people (bar defense) it's irrelevant.

Edited by DynamiteCop!
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