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Isn't it weird that all these mass shootings...

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...happened now that the US cancelled the nuclear treatment with Russia?

Yeah, call me tin foil hat but whatever.

Three shootings in less than a week is highly strange considering nothing had happened in a while and now that the US backed off the nuclear treatment with Russia, we have almost three in a row.

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3 hours ago, madmaltese said:

Yous average more than 1 mass shooting a day...... there is literally nothing strange happening. Just another day in the U S of A.


The crazy shit yous want to believe to ignore the issue is equally hilarious and sad.

Lmao no we dont , keep being so dramatic 

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36 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

Link ? Why you being a dick about it ?

it's like we don't have this thing called Google. 


"Dayton make 251 mass shootings in the US in 216 days, more shootings than days in the year" 



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Just now, Goukosan said:

it's like we don't have this thing called Google. 


"Dayton make 251 mass shootings in the US in 216 days, more shootings than days in the year" 



Well sure if you want to consider gang violence mass shootings. I dont .

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5 minutes ago, kokujin said:

Mass shootings are a problem of their own. And a terrible way some americans are now coping with life, at the hands of many others. Can we not deter the ongoing trend. By thinking something else will stop it? 

the "fake" picture posted of some guy which lead dildo to believe that was the actual shooter is scary man. imagine going outside and then bam you get shot by police or beaten by people because they think you are the culprit.


guns are lame, but dumericans prefer gunz over brainz bc they don't care if they die they just hope people don't skimp on explosions and make it look like a JJ Abrams movie

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40 minutes ago, HolyAx said:

I think there will be way more mass shootings than ever before now that USA is more culturally and politically divided since the the civil war.

The USA sucks. Human kind will write about this dumb shit in history. When mankind would shoot up randos kids women and innocent men cuz they ain't getting no pussy. 

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3 minutes ago, kokujin said:

The USA sucks. Human kind will write about this dumb shit in history. When mankind would shoot up randos kids women and innocent men cuz they ain't getting no pussy. 

it was in my post before but I removed it but yeah:


USA is like a big shooting range and people being able to carry around guns is way too dangerous. guns are way too powerful and people can't be trusted.


don't give me that self defense bullshit, it's not an argument at all. some people actually still using it. making guns available is stupid


There are no killing sprees like in the US where I live.

Edited by kaz
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