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Have you ever noticed women walk very loudly?

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Like they are always stomping. I live beneath a couple that has a 3 year old boy. She walks so fucking heavy, the guy is quiet. And of course the kid is loud too but right now they are out of town and the girls mom is upstairs cleaning and she walks the exact same way. Like they walk on their heals or something.  


Same with the previous place I lived in, ive asked friends this and they all say their wives walk like they weigh 500lbs 

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24 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

It's the same with me and my gf, she stomps around while I walk softly. It has to be a physical difference, they walk differently than us.


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9 hours ago, Optimus Jim said:

Women shouldn’t be allowed to be so loud.

you shouldn't be allowed to anything

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I think it has to do with the same thing that makes them so awkward/hilarious when they're falling. Lack of experience.


You see growing up us boys played sports, which meant you played a sport where being tackled (full body or shoulder) was a common occurrence. As such those years you spent playing, you learned - either because you had a nasty spill, or saw one and didn't want to be the next victim; how to take a fall.


I remember growing up, the only girls I knew of, that knew how to take a fall were the ones actually into their sports. Not the girls who ran around in a flying V formation during P.E. classes. So with walking I don't think they've ever had any other setting than the default setting of heel/toe.



#talkingoutmyass. :smug:

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38 minutes ago, Spicalicious said:

Every time I hear heels I feel like saying whoa there horsey!

and then you put your carrot in their mouth

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26 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

They lack spatial awareness, they're completely oblivious to their presence and how it's affecting those around them.

your urge to talk like a robot cracks me up sometimes

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