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Just now, Cookester15 said:

Yes because entering in 12 digits once makes it worse than 56k 


friends codes are worse than pso's guild cards.


and pso on 56k was inexplicably smooth. anyone that was there will know all this.

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my pc can run xbox exclusives as well. get owned lembaby "aiy dis game too hard for me bc im lemmin pixel sucks like me at gaming " 

I Don't Know Where the Fuck I'm Going: The Game

I played the demo. These shitty 8 bit indie games suck.

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I enjoyed the aesthetic. Environments, main character design, boss design (even if it was just the one in the demo).  As a homage to the old metroidvania they did a lot of things right, but the combat left me a little disappointed.  Long inactive frames after a dashing really slow things down.  Was hoping for a bit more fluidity, closer to like Dead Cells gameplay. I'd still give this a go somewhere down the line, but I'll wait for it to hit a fire sale.  Also the voice acting was lol.

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Killed the second boss. Game is great so far but frustrating at times when you have no idea where you're supposed to go first. I thought the game was hard as hell but I was in an area that I was supposed to do much later. It's not very intuitive, I had to look up a walkthrough online.

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Beat it. I enjoyed it, but I'm still fairly mixed on it. I just don't think the second half added anything to the game and just brought down the experience by being repetitive. Great bosses, really well executed aesthetic, but just not enough in the character/combat progression or enemy variety to keep it interesting all the way through.


I was pretty surprised when I figured out I was fighting the last boss because there's so much shit I missed. Like I never figured out how to get past the gas or how to grapple onto what were clearly grapple points and just kept trucking along because I figured I'd get those items as part of my regular progression through the game. Inventory full of quest items that I have fuck all of an idea what to do with them, too. :D

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2 hours ago, Teh_Diplomat said:

Just noticed the smiley name: "Dipbaby:D 


Lol I remember that.. I was mad at you for something years ago and named that smiley after you when I was admin the first time :dipbaby:

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14 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

Lol I remember that.. I was mad at you for something years ago and named that smiley after you when I was admin the first time :dipbaby:

Most likely as a result of me no longer hosting the smileys - which I did when Hal9000 was busy with SW2; back from when I went from Admin to Banned overnight due to Javier's Javierness.:ben:

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Got the true ending. Some of the side quest puzzles are really awesome.


Would love to see some changes to the camera, though. Backtracking through the platforming heavy environments fucking sucks when it feels like they were designed to only be traversed in one direction and you're making constant leaps of faith because shit is off screen.


Don't think it's a rush out and buy game, but anybody with an interest in Metroidvania's owes it to themselves to pick it up on sale at some point.

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