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FF7 Remake gameplay with Tifa and Ifrit Summon

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1 minute ago, Cookester15 said:

It's not turn based anymore? 



Final Fantasy 7 Remake will have a “classic” gameplay option for players who prefer their role-playing games turn-based, just as the original Final Fantasy 7 was back in 1997. At Tokyo Game Show on Saturday, producer Yoshinori Kitase confirmed that the remake of the classic JRPG — which updates the game to be an action-RPG — will offer an optional turn-based battle mode where players can select attacks and other moves from a menu interface.


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 Maybe they're just cranking around the health and damage values for demonstration purposes but that was tedious to watch. At one point I glanced at the bosses health bar and was shocked to see he still had over half of his health after a continuous flurry of attacked.


And is bosses jumping outside the arena going to be a consistent thing? Because that would get annoying. It just kills the flow of combat when they do it so frequently and both of the bosses they've shown were doing just that.


As for the combat itself... Eh, not terrible but nothing really interesting either. Just seemed like standard Action RPG combat.

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3 hours ago, Sabo said:



As for the combat itself... Eh, not terrible but nothing really interesting either. Just seemed like standard Action RPG combat.

yeah that's what I think as well. At first I didn't like the idea of a action oriented combat system but it looks way better to me now. Attacking to fill up the ATB gauge to choose a command is a good idea.


don't actually care about the traditional mode because it sounds like it's the same but you do nothing during the attacking part. Might as well just play it how it was intended.


BUT the boss fights look fine, actually I went from hating it and not wanting it to being hyped. Everything looks pretty cool and polished, the english VO sounds ass but I can live with that (FFX and FFXIII had really good engl. VO).


someone said you only play as cloud, tifa, aerith and barrett through the game but I never heard any of it and I can't wait for all the others later. Cait Sith, Red XIII, Yuffie, Vincent, Cid :glad: 


I like that they keep the mini games. the fitness studio, the climbing/jumping section with aerith, hopefully the climbing to shinra HQ too.





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PS5 launch:


TLOU part 2 - for the western lesbian gamers/cuckold demographic

FFVIIR - for the real japan-loving gamers and straight male demographic



It's a wrap. TLOU part II is what MS and their customers dream of having, the ultimate lesbian wierdo propaganda game. The whole 9 yards, female protag, interracial lesbian couple, probably some cucking, and you kill white men.


MS, it's over, pack up your bags.

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21 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

PS5 launch:


TLOU part 2 - for the western lesbian gamers/cuckold demographic

FFVIIR - for the real japan-loving gamers and straight male demographic



It's a wrap. TLOU part II is what MS and their customers dream of having, the ultimate lesbian wierdo propaganda game. The whole 9 yards, female protag, interracial lesbian couple, probably some cucking, and you kill white men.


MS, it's over, pack up your bags.

Ghosts will be the new big Sony cross gen IP from what I understand. It's also going to look amazing.

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