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GEARS 5 - Down 66% from Gears 4 across all major streaming platforms - Second E-sports tournament cancelled - Franchise killed by Feminism

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Most new triple-A games debut at #1 on Twitch with hundreds of thousands of viewers, so you would expect that one of Microsoft’s biggest IPs would do the same; however, this week, Gears 5 only managed to debut at #14 on Twitch’s list of most watched games with a peak of 17k concurrent viewers – down 66% compared to Gears 4.


Cannibalized by Gamepass



Still, even when attributing the low numbers to most Gears 5 players being on Xbox (where we can’t count the exact numbers), the popularity of Gears 5 on Microsoft’s own streaming platform, Mixer, is shockingly low and likely influenced their decision to not host another $1 million tournament.

With only a few thousand live viewers during its launch day, Gears 5 has already fallen out of Mixer’s top 5 most watched games. And even Mixer’s top streamer, Ninja, who has played other Gears of War games in the past, is currently playing World of Warcraft Classic instead.



Flopped and dead, out of the public concious already. Gamers have moved on. 


What an absolute colossal failure this game was from reveal all the way to release. Completely botched by the CoaliShit. RIP Gears.

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putting all games on pc and giving games away for free was at the very LEAST supposed to lead to massive consumption and awareness, and it isnt even doing that. people moved on to borderlands in less than a week. great release timing :D

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22 minutes ago, Quad Damage said:

putting all games on pc and giving games away for free was at the very LEAST supposed to lead to massive consumption and awareness, and it isnt even doing that. people moved on to borderlands in less than a week. great release timing :D

It's not only an issue of watering-down the quality (or even perceived quality) of their games, it's also that by Gamepasses nature - along with periodic promotions, that people can do effectively do the following:


1) Pickup up Gamepass for a buck or two.

2) Gamepass typically allow you to extend it up to 3 months. (just for inputting CC/payment info)

3) Play the games they have interest in then ditch it.

 A - Play Gears 5 while you wait for Borderlands 3 to drop.

 B - Get into Gamepass a few months from now and clear up your backlog of games; then cancel.

4) Rinse, and repeat.


The only way I saw Gamepass being a success is that you can both retain your customers (or at least the majority of them) and that the userbase is large enough to sustain the costs (MS spent $20 million just to bring DMC5 into Gamepass) to justify becoming a netflix type service. It amazing when Lemmings deny any possibility that MS has intentions to spread this service as wide as possible.


I mean if you're dead last in sales, and have no install base in Europe (apart from the UK) nor any presence in Japan, how else do you have hope to get into a dominant position. Well MS thought "Wait, what if we just had a service outside of our console, that gamers will want from us? "



And then to add insult to injury, the Lemmings can't get any AAAE's, the studio acquisitions have been busts for most part; and as already mentioned by other members, it's just a dumping ground for A/AA titles...

Edited by Teh_Diplomat
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it probably cost one hundred million dollars to make, and they're getting zero return on it.


Gamepass is cannibalizing the big AAA games, while saving the shitty mediocre State of Decay/SoT level titles.


Now the scary part happens: MS starts scaling back even on Halo, Gears and Forza. Get ready as these franchises transition into smaller scale, straight to gamepass titles. they have to turn a profit somehow.


All the while they'll continue to NEED as many platforms as possible to host these games. Multiplat future.


Phil has literally destroyed the Xbox brand. All prestige has been taken away from ownership, zero exclusives, and their in-house games are all low quality. DISASTER-LEVEL SITUATION CONFIRMED.

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There's no doubt that the MP and viewer retention is disappointing.  People just aren't interested in playing Gears MP as it currently is... and it's not as interesting to watch as the new MP battle games.


MS needs to create new franchises.  The mind share is obviously gone at this point.

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Iwata predicted this shit like 7-8 years ago in a speech.


If you start pricing your games like a cheap service............the consumer begins to see your games as CHEAP and disposable.


In the context that Iwata was giving, it was the incoming smartphone games being given away for free. Iwata was in the middle of the 3DS launching and initial sales were not very good.


Iwata ended up creating a second-tier of Nintendo games that exist within the $5-$20 level. But he never allowed Mario games, LoZ games, and other longtime Nintendo franchises to become lower-priced games, he always kept them at full price for 3DS.


Gears 5 tanking is going to lead to a vicious cycle for the franchise.


The Coalition is not going to have as big a budget for their next Gears project, and they will change the design of the game in order to produce content more quickly, and possibly in some sort of Destiny-like mission structure in order to extend the lifecycle of the game. That means no major AAA set pieces in a single player. The consumer will notice.

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