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Whats a good future proof PC in October 2019?

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26 minutes ago, TLHBO said:

Wel thanks for the input guys. I figure I’ll give SSDs a try this time.


Still not sure about cpu 99fps vs 103 doesn’t matter, but down the line 50fps vs 60fps would be a difference. Looking up there isnt much price difference between the 3700x and 9700k.


Think I might try that 5700 card. Looks like it performs solid. As I said I might just stick to 1080p for now, then go to 1440 when next years cards are out. 4k sounds nice but I’d rather have max settings 60fps. 


Basically I want the most of the pc to last for a while, aside from gpu which seem to evolve so rapidly theres no point spending lots of money on it.

That's where I'm at, I'm still on a 9 year old 2600k with a Vega 64 and I can play anything maxed out. You don't need to be on the bleeding edge with everything or anything really for a solid experience.


I'll update my system maybe next year sometime, maybe not. There's really no rush because I don't need to sacrifice anything.


You'll be quite happy with that 5700 XT. People need to get out of this Nvidia safe space, AMD make great GPU'S.

Edited by DynamiteCop!
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Having a 1200 dollar video card and being trolled into doing 1080p benchmarks LOL

Well here's the biggest question before we can even start, what's your financial, performance and resolution target?

2 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

That's where I'm at, I'm still on a 9 year old 2600k with a Vega 64 and I can play anything maxed out. You don't need to be on the bleeding edge with everything or anything really for a solid experience.


I'll update my system maybe next year sometime, maybe not. There's really no rush because I don't need to sacrifice anything.


You'll be quite happy with that 5700 XT. People need to get out of this Nvidia safe space, AMD make great GPU'S.

Yeah everyone says they have better drivers, but im salty they fucked me with the 970 vram :reg:

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On 2019-10-03 at 11:33 PM, The Mother Fucker said:

But look what I can get with my GPU,  160 fps average bitch.   :loldance:





You wanted me to run it on my 2080ti.. so I did.  And like I said... I'm 100% CPU limited..  I need a better CPU..






lmao... 196.8fps average.. and my GPU utilization was basically stuck aroun 70%... because my CPU can't allow it to go any higher. :smilecry: 


Also.. your stutter count :hest: 

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3 hours ago, Remij_ said:

You wanted me to run it on my 2080ti.. so I did.  And like I said... I'm 100% CPU limited..  I need a better CPU..






lmao... 196.8fps average.. and my GPU utilization was basically stuck aroun 70%... because my CPU can't allow it to go any higher. :smilecry: 


Also.. your stutter count :hest: 

What is it at 4K?

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3 hours ago, Remij_ said:


Looks like you still have just a hair left of room to play with too. Definitely need to upgrade that CPU. 

Edited by lynux3
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So I figure I’ll go with the advice here and get the 3700x, and give AMD a try for gpu too since the 5700xt looks pretty good. I’ll go with the x570 mobo but does the brand if mobo matter? Or is it ok to go cheap if it has enough usb and sata ports?

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4 minutes ago, TLHBO said:

So I figure I’ll go with the advice here and get the 3700x, and give AMD a try for gpu too since the 5700xt looks pretty good. I’ll go with the x570 mobo but does the brand if mobo matter? Or is it ok to go cheap if it has enough usb and sata ports?

Personally, I've had the best experience with ASUS ROG/TUF boards and Gigabyte AORUS, but they are a bit pricey. :shrug: 


This may help in your decision.




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11 minutes ago, TLHBO said:

So I figure I’ll go with the advice here and get the 3700x, and give AMD a try for gpu too since the 5700xt looks pretty good. I’ll go with the x570 mobo but does the brand if mobo matter? Or is it ok to go cheap if it has enough usb and sata ports?

The 5700XT is a solid card.  You'll be extremely happy with it.  And yes, the 3700x is the right CPU to get.  :fblike: 


I wouldn't even bother with a x570 mobo though.. go with a x470 and save lots of money.

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2 hours ago, lynux3 said:

Looks like you still have just a hair left of room to play with too. Definitely need to upgrade that CPU. 


I did a test again at 1440p to see if it would utilize more GPU while still being CPU bound.









If you look.. I get more FPS at 1440p than I do at 1080p (the Achieved FPS number on the left)  The FPS actually goes up because it utilizes more of my GPU (~85% vs ~72%).. but I'm still pretty much 100% CPU limited.  




So then I tested 1080p again, with a bit more overclock on my CPU:



That brought up my achieved fps to the same as my 1440p run, while the GPU was still only being around 72% utilized.


I definitely do need a new CPU.  I'm still being CPU bottlenecked at 1440p.  4K is no problem still though.  Will still probably be GPU limited even after the next round of GPUs come out.  But with the next gen consoles coming... this 4 core 8 thread 6700K is going to start showing it's age.




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2 hours ago, TLHBO said:

So I figure I’ll go with the advice here and get the 3700x, and give AMD a try for gpu too since the 5700xt looks pretty good. I’ll go with the x570 mobo but does the brand if mobo matter? Or is it ok to go cheap if it has enough usb and sata ports?

Normally I'd recommend MSI to the heavens, me personally have 3 AM4 platforms from MSI currently,  X470 Gaming M7 AC, X470 Gaming Plus, and X470 Gaming Pro. 

But I heard MSI put some crummy entry X570 boards in the $160-$250 range.   You might want to try Gigabyte, their motherboards are top quality, although IMO their software apps leave a lot to be desired.


I cannot recommend anything ASUS, yuck, just a trail of bad history I had with their motherboards, and tablets.

I don't know anything about AsRock, but they seem to be the new kid on the block.  Take a Chance on them - ABBA , or like the latest BIOS firmware you need for whichever X570 mobo you go with :spincool:

Edited by The Mother Fucker
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13 hours ago, Remij_ said:

You wanted me to run it on my 2080ti.. so I did.  And like I said... I'm 100% CPU limited..  I need a better CPU..






lmao... 196.8fps average.. and my GPU utilization was basically stuck aroun 70%... because my CPU can't allow it to go any higher. :smilecry: 


Also.. your stutter count :hest: 

I'm sure that's due to there being no way to optimize the game with a Radeon profile with it being run directly from Windows App store like shitty Gears 5. 

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6 minutes ago, The Mother Fucker said:

I'm sure that's due to there being no way to optimize the game with a Radeon profile with it being run directly from Windows App store like shitty Gears 5. 

That doesn't make any sense to me.

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16 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

That doesn't make any sense to me.

When you have a Radeon GPU, the best way to optimize your game is through a Radeon Profile.   The profiles work off exe, Forza Horizon 4 and Gears 5 are Windows Apps games and are installed behind the encrypted Windows App folder so there's no way to set up a specific Radeon profile to optimize there games.


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3 minutes ago, The Mother Fucker said:

When you have a Radeon GPU, the best way to optimize your game is through a Radeon Profile.   The profiles work off exe, Forza Horizon 4 and Gears 5 are Windows Apps games and are installed behind the encrypted Windows App folder so there's no way to set up a specific Radeon profile to optimize there games.


Nah, The driver does that automatically.  This is why they release optimized drivers for games.  Forza Horizon 4 is a very AMD favored game.  And besides that, I'm just playin... I have a pretty good idea why it's happening.  I think is happening because your're essentially reaching your monitors max refresh-rate with 143fps achieved.  Since that's an average, you're going over and back into your freestyle VRR range, thus vsync is kicking in and out causing stutters that you probably don't even see.

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1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

Nah, The driver does that automatically.  This is why they release optimized drivers for games.  Forza Horizon 4 is a very AMD favored game.  And besides that, I'm just playin... I have a pretty good idea why it's happening.  I think is happening because your're essentially reaching your monitors max refresh-rate with 143fps achieved.  Since that's an average, you're going over and back into your freestyle VRR range, thus vsync is kicking in and out causing stutters that you probably don't even see.

How is the driver doing this automatically???


I have v-synced turned off in the game settings.  I set up my AMD graphic profile Free-Sync, Enhanced Sync, and Anti-Lag

Normally I set all my games to Free-Sync, Enhanced Sync, and Anti-Lag on, but Anti-Lag is Radeon profile specific so I can't set it in this game.


Remember when I posted my FFXI benchmark that smacked all nvidia cards except RTX 2080 Ti, that was set up in that configuration.



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