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Today some little dick In a big truck was riding my ass for no reason .

I switched lanes twice and he followed I could see shit . I finally switched lanes again and gunned it , and he stayed behind me until I left off then buzzed by and cut me off .. he had to be going over 80 cause i was close to 70 . Other drivers freaking out if i would have slowed down or stopped hard it would have been a high speed accident for sure. 


Then we get to the red light and he doesnt even say anything . Like come on Billy bad ass you dont wanna talk ? He then peeled off smoking his tires man I was fucking so mad . I decided to let and go and turn off and calm down , let his little dick feel good about himself.


What is wrong w people.

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4 minutes ago, lynux3 said:

Happens often around here. People just drive like shit. :shake: I love when people try to fuck with me like that though when I'm cruising around in the Terminator, they have no chance. :juggle: 

I swear he was so close to me I felt like he was touching my car . I wanted to keep on it just to get ahead but I had to let off . Idk what kind of truck it was but it was as fast if not faster than my car . I was shaking mad lol I was gon a get his plate but i was going 30 over myself so figured let it go . Dick .

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7 minutes ago, bhytre said:

Tar cannons at the back of your car or motorcycle aimed at their windshield should exist and be legal for this sole purpose :interesting:

If I would have break even slightly he would have smashed into me . Road was crowded I figured best bet was to just keep going fast until traffic cleared. 

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16 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

I swear he was so close to me I felt like he was touching my car . I wanted to keep on it just to get ahead but I had to let off . Idk what kind of truck it was but it was as fast if not faster than my car . I was shaking mad lol I was gon a get his plate but i was going 30 over myself so figured let it go . Dick .


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Lmao it was close like that but all I saw was headlights . Big ass dumb truck.  I've had peo people ride my ass plenty and I've done so myself but doing it at 70 plus is flat out dangerous. 



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Just now, JONBpc said:

Lmao it was close like that but all I saw was headlights . Big ass dumb truck.  I've had peo people ride my ass plenty and I've done so myself but doing it at 70 plus is flat out dangerous. 




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1 hour ago, JONBpc said:

I swear he was so close to me I felt like he was touching my car . I wanted to keep on it just to get ahead but I had to let off . Idk what kind of truck it was but it was as fast if not faster than my car . I was shaking mad lol I was gon a get his plate but i was going 30 over myself so figured let it go . Dick .


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58 minutes ago, Saucer said:

When people tailgate me I slow down to a crawl.

Normally I do as well . But I know a big truck would be able to slow as well as I could . Too dangerous at the speeds we were going .

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I wonder what the psychology behind people driving is, some are the biggest possible wimps in real life but once they get it their car they are all tough and seem to have a newfound bravado in their metal box :mj:

Don't they realize how easy it is to break a car window and drag them out of their vehicle? :interesting:

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1 minute ago, bhytre said:

I wonder what the psychology behind people driving is, some are the biggest possible wimps in real life but once they get it their car they are all tough and seem to have a newfound bravado in their metal box :mj:

Don't they realize how easy it is to break a car window and drag them out of their vehicle? :interesting:

The lemmings of the road. :drake: 

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He was definitely a Sony fan . Acting like this was a movie scene from rosscharted , but when confronted just put on a Ross face and sped away using the glowing reflectors on the road as a guideline .


Platinum unlocked - ultimate pussy bag 

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5 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

He was definitely a Sony fan . Acting like this was a movie scene from rosscharted , but when confronted just put on a Ross face and sped away using the glowing reflectors on the road as a guideline .


Platinum unlocked - ultimate pussy bag 

Platinum unlocked - JonButtblasted



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2 hours ago, -GD- said:

He was probably a trump supporter. They do dumb shit like that. 

Man that man's rhetoric is like a new infused drug to a very big majority of white Americans. Perhaps he even has a point to stand up for them. He's gonna get 45 million votes easy again. The dems better put together a good package. 

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