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Death Stranding impressions from people who've played it (not really spoilers but you've been warned)

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"pacing is way off
Story is interesting, just too much gaps in between
if you don't play this game often you'll forget what happened before the next cutscene happens"
"DS is basically 1hr of cool shit
4hrs of delivering packages to npcs"

open world is more interesting than MGSV, but has the same drawbacks of open world -
"it's more interesting lol, mgs5 was so dead
hard to beat it"

"it's fun when you explore new land
but when the game asks you to drive back 5km just to deliver a package to a place you've been to before
you're like "fk off""

"all the safe houses look the exact same
they all have the exact same building you enter to connect
and all the resting places are 100% copy and paste the same in all of them"

"Minecraft has elements of hiding and taking shelter when it's dark
this has no day/night cycle which is a huge fail
but it has rain
when it rains you need to take shelter or it will damage your cargo"

"well i like exploring
and roleplaying, aka playing the game like i am really there"

"just know the start of the game is a bit of a chore at some times"

"it's not as good as RDR2 or God of War
but then again, it's a different game
it's focus is cooperation and exploration
if you are expecting third person stealth action MGS6
you're gonna want to refund"




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You just made it a great game. 

UPS POS sim 

Its disappointing that we'll likely never get another focused and consistently engaging game from Kojima. Hes infatuated with just making bloated open world games with Ubisoft level design.

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1 hour ago, lynux3 said:

Impressions from "people". These impressions are from the same person, dipshit. :mj: 

This thread is for impressions from people who've played it early.... there's lots of people in the Discord...  I'm going to post more :reg: 

One guy said it's a definite 5/10 :hest: 

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It felt tedious. Sam hitches up on anlot of tony rocks so it braks the flow here and there, but its cool to ser up ladders and use ropes. Even more cool to see stuff left by people. The walking makes it tedious, timefall are essentially the stealth moments, a lot of the time ur screwed if ur driving cause the weather damages it.

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1 minute ago, JONBpc said:

This game sounds so trash. 


Dont forget cows , you hyped this AAAE ( even tho it's coming to PC)

It'll be overrated so it probably will still score well.


I feel like I'm going to be personally disappointed by it however... hopefully it turns out that it's not as bad as it seems.

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Oh for sure it will be in the high 80s mc no matter how bad it is . 


The most fun part will be watching cows here pretend its actually that good . Bu bu Ubering packages is fun !!

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