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Why do bandwidth caps exist?

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I'm only allowed a terabyte a month through Comcast.  Every month near the end, I'm at about 800-900GB because I downloaded too much VR transgender porn or Doom wads, and now I pretty much do jack shit for the last week of the month, until my bandwidth cap is reset.  Seriously, this is 2019.  Its been long established bandwidth caps are bullshit, and the Internet's series of tubes can handle pretty much anything.  Why do these fucking bandwidth caps still exist?

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9 minutes ago, lostfool said:

You have to pay to have no cap.  

That depends on the area of service, their caps are not universally applied. I assume it has to do with high traffic areas where congestion can get out of control if a cap is not in place. 

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Seems to be a U.S thing.


we dont have them here in the UK, but then speeds are generally worse here. Or at least most offer tiers, with budget tiers having a cap but all have a number of unlimited speed options.


you normally only get data caps on mobile networks.

Edited by TLHBO
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