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Panzer Dragoon: Remake is coming to Steam

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9 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

It's coming to everything. But question is if there will be a boxed version.

they confirmed there will be for switch.


anyways, extremely disappointing news and another example of a developer that touts switch exclusivity at launch to rev up the hype for their game.


This game is absolutely lessened in worth for having a PC version and I hope the devs suffer losses from this absurd announcement.

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3 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

they confirmed there will be for switch.


anyways, extremely disappointing news and another example of a developer that touts switch exclusivity at launch to rev up the hype for their game.


This game is absolutely lessened in worth for having a PC version and I hope the devs suffer losses from this absurd announcement.

I totally support developers tricking Switch fanboys into believing they have exclusive games, only to dash their hopes and dreams just before launch :glad: 


I hope it becomes standard practice tbh :hamster:

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12 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

it is what it is, announcing your game during an N-Direct and touting it as a Switch exclusive is the gaming industry's KingMaker, every single game that has done this has been elevated due to the Switch's king-like presence in the industry.


It's deceitful and it needs to stop.

Well, you just need to get over it... because Switch games will release on PC... officially or not :pavarotti: :juggle: 

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1 hour ago, Remij_ said:

I totally support developers tricking Switch fanboys into believing they have exclusive games, only to dash their hopes and dreams just before launch :glad: 


I hope it becomes standard practice tbh :hamster:

Standard practice will be ditching the Switch in general once next gen lands. :smug:

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