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Looks like EA may be bringing their games back to Steam

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So basically if you've been following it at all, EA has been making changes to versions of their games on Steam, among other things which suggests, and is leading people to believe that they're readying their games to be like Uplay is for Ubisoft.. where you'd still essentially need the Origin client, but you can buy your games from Steam and get all the benefits that Steam provides.


Well, they've pretty much made it all but official at this point.  EA posted this on their Twitter:



Which was liked by one of Valves business developers.  Basically all but confirming their return in my eyes, and many others.


If it turns out to be the case, I'm going to directly attribute this to increased competition from EPIC.  I'd almost guarantee that Valve and EA have worked out a deal where EA gets more of the pie and EA, being in a less than favorable position these days was probably happy to have the increase in visibility for their own games.


Maybe that new Star Wars game will be the big return title for the announcement?


If it's true, and all this does happen, then good for Valve.  Hopefully it's the start of making more moves to improve relations with high profile developers/publishers.


Also, they've been improving the new Library beta quite a bit, and honestly I'm starting to love it more and more.  Once the rest of the client falls in line with the new library design language it will be the nicest client visually by far.



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10 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

I doubt Valve did fuck all, they don't bend to anyone. EA is in a compromised position, they're not. 

Nah.. they definitely are in the position where all the big pubs are leaving them.  Ubisoft is essentially gone at this point..


Valve undoubtedly cut a deal with them.  Probably 80/20 split on all sales from day 1.

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Just now, JONBpc said:

I guess for people with dial up like yourself that could be an issue.

lmao like really... who the fuck cares about pre-loading these days?  On Steam if you pre-load you just have to wait for the game to decrypt anyway.. not that it takes that long.. but it's like who the fuck really cares?


Epic has a long way to go.. but like I've said.. most shit people attribute to clients is unnecessary fluff.  I don't really care how long it takes them, or if they ever do half the shit that Valve has.. I just want games to have their full functionality as advertised, as well as developers pocketing more of the money to be more successful.

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20 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

lmao like really... who the fuck cares about pre-loading these days?  On Steam if you pre-load you just have to wait for the game to decrypt anyway.. not that it takes that long.. but it's like who the fuck really cares?


Epic has a long way to go.. but like I've said.. most shit people attribute to clients is unnecessary fluff.  I don't really care how long it takes them, or if they ever do half the shit that Valve has.. I just want games to have their full functionality as advertised, as well as developers pocketing more of the money to be more successful.

Who cares about the developers and publishers, Valve is charging the industry standard tax for platforming a game and you don't see fuck all from those higher cuts. You don't see discounts, you don't see a lower entry price. Vilifying Valve has been retarded since square one, this is the PC platform, exclusivity on the virtue of paying for exclusion is absolutely retarded.


A game will see more success the more platforms it is exposed to. EGS isn't paying devs/pubs money for exclusivity to help them, they're paying them because it's the only means of getting their platform off the ground as it's wholly undesirable to the consumer base and it covers the losses incurred by not being able to sell their games elsewhere. 


The entire ideology behind EGS is virtue signaling. The platform is a total shit show and doesn't have the most basic quality of life features not to mention it has virtually no platform features of any kind. I don't give a shit how new it is, this is a company raking in billions of dollars. There's no excuse for not only its launch condition but also its present condition which isn't much better, it's pathetic.  



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4 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Who cares about the developers and publishers, Valve is charging the industry standard tax for platforming a game and you don't see fuck all from those higher cuts. You don't see discounts, you don't see a lower entry price. Vilifying Valve has been retarded since square one, this is the PC platform, exclusivity on the virtue of paying for exclusion is absolutely retarded.


A game will see more success the more platforms it is exposed to. EGS isn't paying devs/pubs money for exclusivity to help them, they're paying them because it's the only means of getting their platform off the ground as it's wholly undesirable to the consumer base and it covers the losses incurred by not being able to sell their games elsewhere. 


The entire ideology behind EGS is virtue signaling. The platform is a total shit show and doesn't have the most basic quality of life features not to mention it has virtually no platform features of any kind. I don't give a shit how new it is, this is a company raking in billions of dollars. There's no excuse for not only its launch condition but also its present condition which isn't much better, it's pathetic.  



How the fuck can you not understand that the goal is to change the industry standard on PC?


It's complete bullshit as it is now.  Valve continuing to allow their store to be flooded by shit does nothing to help developers.  You think all these little features and shit that they are doing is just so awesome and the reason why they earn their 30%... but the reality is that Valve is creating these problems themselves.  Their hands-off automated approach to everything.. let the customers do all the work type shit is exactly why it's unfolding the way it is.


I mostly only care about the controller customization options that Valve has introduced.  That's a valuable thing right there.  But all the steam card collecting shit, all the shit on the store... not working with devs... not really promoting anything and making partnerships, as well as not funding games for their platform... doesn't impress me.. considering they are the market leader, and have been doing this for years and years.


I'd much rather a more simplistic client and developers actually being able to succeed and make more money from their games... because what I care most about is good games actually coming to PC.


Again, not saying the Epic store couldn't be better.  It can be, and it will be.  In the meantime, the most important thing is that the games work... and they do.

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Steam is old news. Its boring to even open up . Cant find anything on that store. New releases are filled with no name shit games. Allocating disc space!

Steam is for the bitter old sweat pant wearing hermits. We hate that rap music you kids listen to!! * oh ma gud I got a new collector cardz!! * 

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1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

How the fuck can you not understand that the goal is to change the industry standard on PC?


It's complete bullshit as it is now.  Valve continuing to allow their store to be flooded by shit does nothing to help developers.  You think all these little features and shit that they are doing is just so awesome and the reason why they earn their 30%... but the reality is that Valve is creating these problems themselves.  Their hands-off automated approach to everything.. let the customers do all the work type shit is exactly why it's unfolding the way it is.


I mostly only care about the controller customization options that Valve has introduced.  That's a valuable thing right there.  But all the steam card collecting shit, all the shit on the store... not working with devs... not really promoting anything and making partnerships, as well as not funding games for their platform... doesn't impress me.. considering they are the market leader, and have been doing this for years and years.


I'd much rather a more simplistic client and developers actually being able to succeed and make more money from their games... because what I care most about is good games actually coming to PC.


Again, not saying the Epic store couldn't be better.  It can be, and it will be.  In the meantime, the most important thing is that the games work... and they do.

You are straight retarded, I like you dude but your ideologies about responsibility hierarchies or what is actually important are flat out moronic.


The only 'issue' with Steam is how open ended it is, but is that really an issue because it's allowed more people to publish their games than ever before. At the end of the day they are a store, and you can filter out what you don't want to see, you can search for what you want and have the opportunity to be exposed to things you didn't know you wanted. 


They are the industry standard for quality of life, they wrote the book on it. Everything you see other stores emulating or striving for even in the console space starts with them. Refunds, trading, dual level and mobile authentication, family sharing, mod workshops, anti-cheat, cloud-saves,community resources, VR tool sets for developers, extensive help resources, community function and integration and god only knows what else. They are the end all be all for being customer centric, for protection of the customer, for expression of the customer and bringing their community together. 


To add to this what do they also do? They eat the cost of region fees so the price you see is the price you pay. What does EGS do? They make the customer pay these fees. 


What do they need to work with developers on? They offer all of their Steamworks integration, everything a developer or publisher needs to get their game not only on the platform but configured the way they want and it costs them a flat $100 fee. This gives them so many features at their disposal it's incredible. They promote games all the time on the front end of their storepage, new games are cycled in and out regularly and bigger releases get banner featured real estate. 


Why on Earth would they need to fund games? That is not their responsibility, they are a storefront for games and a platform for customers. Funding games isn't their responsibility, it's not even remotely close to it and it's not something that should even be on the radar. That's just dumb, you're saying dumb shit.






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7 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

You are straight retarded, I like you dude but your ideologies about responsibility hierarchies or what is actually important are flat out moronic.


The only 'issue' with Steam is how open ended it is, but is that really an issue because it's allowed more people to publish their games than ever before. At the end of the day they are a store, and you can filter out what you don't want to see, you can search for what you want and have the opportunity to be exposed to things you didn't know you wanted. 


They are the industry standard for quality of life, they wrote the book on it. Everything you see other stores emulating or striving for even in the console space starts with them. Refunds, trading, dual level and mobile authentication, family sharing, mod workshops, anti-cheat, cloud-saves,community resources, VR tool sets for developers, extensive help resources, community function and integration and god only knows what else. They are the end all be all for being customer centric, for protection of the customer, for expression of the customer and bringing their community together. 


To add to this what do they also do? They eat the cost of region fees so the price you see is the price you pay. What does EGS do? They make the customer pay these fees. 


What do they need to work with developers on? They offer all of their Steamworks integration, everything a developer or publisher needs to get their game not only on the platform but configured the way they want and it costs them a flat $100 fee. This gives them so many features at their disposal it's incredible. They promote games all the time on the front end of their storepage, new games are cycled in and out regularly and bigger releases get banner featured real estate. 


Why on Earth would they need to fund games? That is not their responsibility, they are a storefront for games and a platform for customers. Funding games isn't their responsibility, it's not even remotely close to it and it's not something that should even be on the radar. That's just dumb, you're saying dumb shit.



I like you too.  Is this where we kiss? :lupe:

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