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EA confirms new BF in development, will release exclusively for next gen in Fiscal year 2022

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A new entry in the Battlefield series is in the works. During its latest fiscal earnings call, EA confirmed that a new Battlefield game is in development for next-gen consoles.

EA hasn't shared any details about the new Battlefield game, but it did tease that the title will offer "new innovation enabled by next-gen platforms." The company also confirmed the title will ship sometime in fiscal year 2022, which runs from April 2021 to March 2022.



Damn, thats a long break but i think its what the series needs. Im guessing they're simultaneously working on a new version of Frostbite, this will hopefully be as big of a technical leap as BF3 was for its time.



Edited by Twinblade
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they really have to turn the game speed down in multiplayer. they already went in the right direction with bfv, removing doritos, crouch sprint etc.add a stamina bar and stop gimping air combat

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1 hour ago, kaz said:

they really have to turn the game speed down in multiplayer. they already went in the right direction with bfv, removing doritos, crouch sprint etc.add a stamina bar and stop gimping air combat

I hate what they did to the spotting. I want to at least be able to mark enemies on the mini map. And look at how much they've 'expanded' on the specializations for vehicles in the Pacific DLC.  These unlocks were already a grind in the base game and now they've taken it even further. The vehicle gameplay in general is such a disappointment in 5 compared to the previous games. They need to go back to the basics.




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18 hours ago, -GD- said:

bf3 was mind-blowing when it came out. 

BF3 was amazing, campaign and online.

I loved how they went from a traditional leveling up weapon unlock to individual by usage.

BF4 didn't feel that hot to me but still good.

BFV is meh to me.

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BF is a tainted IP and it needs to disappear permanently, there's no way to bring any good will back after they literally insulted + spit in the face of their customers


Another tainted franchise that deserves to be forgotten and abandoned much like MoH. I honestly can't believe they even have the nerve to make another one after the BFV fiasco.

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