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Terminator Dark Fate Bombs at the Box Office, joins Gears 5 on this year’s Get Woke, Go Broke list

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Who cares? It's rated pretty well by critics and people who have seen it seem to really like it.




I have to say though you really are a fucking weirdo, like why do you remember these things? Why does this occupy so much space in your head. It's psycho level shit. 

Edited by DynamiteCop!
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17 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Who cares? It's rated pretty well by critics and people who have seen it seem to really like it.




I have to say though you really are a fucking weirdo, like why do you remember these things? Why does this occupy so much space in your head. It's psycho level shit. 

remembering something as basic as what you said about a movie is Psycho? :whoo:

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5 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Who cares? It's rated pretty well by critics and people who have seen it seem to really like it.




I have to say though you really are a fucking weirdo, like why do you remember these things? Why does this occupy so much space in your head. It's psycho level shit. 


who cares? you should - if youre still pining for that second and third part of this planned trilogy rofl


only an xbox fan would consider scoring in the 60’s pretty good. :will2:also has a dismal 54 at metacritic 




to answer your question, well theres a few reasons:


1) i dont have the memory of a fruit fly

2)  we actually had an exchange on the topic

3) i, unlike you, dont average 900 posts per month (talk about psycho). im sure for you, all the failed predictions/ speculation you throw out there like so much shit flung against a wall, easily fades from memory. but that isn’t the case for me


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3 minutes ago, Quad Damage said:


who cares? you should - if youre still pining for that second and third part of this planned trilogy rofl


only an xbox fan would consider scoring in the 60’s pretty good. :will2:also has a dismal 54 at metacritic 




to answer your question, well theres a few reasons:


1) i dont have the memory of a fruit fly

2)  we actually had an exchange on the topic

3) i, unlike you, dont average 900 posts per month (talk about psycho). im sure for you, all the failed predictions/ speculation you throw out there like so much shit flung against a wall, easily fades from memory. but that isn’t the case for me


Scoring in the 60's for a movie is good, especially the high 60's. Film ratings do not have the same averages or rating applications that games do, also you're ignoring the audience score to boot. 


You holding onto all of these things is just weird.

Edited by DynamiteCop!
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Is the get woke go broke actually accurate? I remember watching some guy debunking it a while ago. Products like Gillette and that ice cream brand seemed to have lost a lot of customers, but what are the other examples with proven sales numbers ? Just curious 

Edited by HolyAx
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1 minute ago, HolyAx said:

Is the get woke go broke actually accurate? I remember watching some guy debunking it a while ago. Products like Gillette and that ice cream brand seemed to have lost a lot of customers, but what are the other examples ? 

Gays 5 did like 5k copies in the U.K, it's definitely a catastrophic failure in sales and reception.

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Ok, looks lik eI found something 





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33 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Scoring in the 60's for a movie is good, especially the high 60's. Film ratings do not have the same averages or rating applications that games do, also you're ignoring the audience score to boot. 


yeah 60s is good on metacritic, where the number denotes the average review score. it got a 54 there though. :mj: 


rotten tomatoes is just the percentage of critics that thought it was at least barely passable. so when 69% of critics gave this a 3/5, and the rest lower, it isnt pretty good, its pretty mediocre.

Edited by Quad Damage
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46 minutes ago, PeterPopoff said:

I hate "woke" and "cancel culture"  but I also hate people who refuse to play a game because you play as a female, or someone might be trans in it.  I guess I just hate everyone.

yeah that's right asshole, I refuse to play as some ugly bulldyke propagandist.


Fuck Gears 5 and fuck Microsoft. :hehe:

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3 hours ago, Bodycount N said:

yeah that's right asshole, I refuse to play as some ugly bulldyke propagandist.


Fuck Gears 5 and fuck Microsoft. :hehe:

If the game is fun, what's wrong with playing as a "some ugly bulldyke"?   I swear, anti SJWs are as big of pussies as the woke crowd.   Life was so much better a decade ago when both these stupid ass factions didn't exist.

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I don't understand Hollywood, they Re hell bent on ruining franchises. 


All I wanted to see was Eddie Furlong return as John Connor and reunite with his mom Sarah, and maybe a new Arnie/Terminator show up and they all just be chill.  


But no this movie had to go The Last Jedi route and Admiral Ackbar JC. :|


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