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why dont we still have Greta Thunderberg emoji here?

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1 hour ago, SheepKilla said:

anyone else not give a single flying fuck about her or anything related to her? I am literally so indifferent that it's crazy, and I do not want to even see her image anymore let alone talk about her tbh. 

legendary confession :dame: 

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She reads off scripts and knows absolutely nothing about science or the fact the earth has heated and cooled countless times. How many mass extinctions have we had in 4.5 billion years?  Yes humans have an impact on the environment


Line plots of global temperature during the last 5.3 million years


dont worry Greta, we will be in an ice age very soon. The ice caps will melt which will drastically cool the oceans and BAM, ice age here we come and it starts all over again. It would happen with or without people. 

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19 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

She reads off scripts and knows absolutely nothing about science


The ice caps will melt which will drastically cool the oceans and BAM, ice age here we come and it starts all over again. It would happen with or without people.


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8 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

Do you really not know how ice ages happen hot sauce?  

Do you really not understand that scientists haven't overlooked the cooling of the ocean from melted ice caps and that the concern over climate change is the amount of energy being contained within our atmosphere that would normally escape?


Like it is just fucking hilarious that you would call somebody else ignorant on science when your claims are the polar (:ben:) opposite of what is the general scientific opinion.


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1 hour ago, Hot Sauce said:

Do you really not understand that scientists haven't overlooked the cooling of the ocean from melted ice caps and that the concern over climate change is the amount of energy being contained within our atmosphere that would normally escape?


Like it is just fucking hilarious that you would call somebody else ignorant on science when your claims are the polar (:ben:) opposite of what is the general scientific opinion.


Yes, a 14 year old reading off scripts is ignorant. She has handlers and is completely ignoring the elephants in the room. China and India. My claims are not the polar opposite, its only been happening for millions of years without fail. 


The world is not ending in 12 years or whatever these nutjobs are claiming.  Yes we need to reduce carbon and pollution,  not denying this. What I disagree with is the sensationalism of this girl and The Green New Deal and the like. 


If we want to be serious about pollution we need to address this





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And yet we have people in my province freaking out we are building a natural gas plant to displace Chinese coal use. It's like they are too oblivious to realize we all breathe the same air. Natural gas produces 1/3rd as much carbon as burning coal. 


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4 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

Yes, a 14 year old reading off scripts is ignorant.

I mean she has no academic background in climate science so, yeah, sure, I suppose. Do either of us, though? There's levels to knowledge and reading some shit on the internet to toss at each other doesn't put us particularly high up on that list. It's the pot calling the kettle black while referencing claims that are unequivocally denounced by the people with actual expertise that makes this whole thing funny, though.


11 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

She has handlers and is completely ignoring the elephants in the room. China and India.

How is a speech targeted at world leaders ignoring China and India? And her lawsuit with the UN could only target a handful of countries anyway. Is she ignoring the US because they weren't included? I would bet the answer would be no.


26 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

My claims are not the polar opposite, its only been happening for millions of years without fail. 

Scientists: Yeah, there's been a heating and cooling cycle for millions of years, but this isn't that.


You: Science agrees with me! MILLIONS OF YEARS!!!11one1!!


29 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

The world is not ending in 12 years or whatever these nutjobs are claiming.

Nobody is claiming the world is ending in 12 years. The 12 years comes from the IPCC and it's a guideline to be on the right track to not have the global temperature go up by 1.5 degrees Celsius. It's not a binary we live or we die thing either.


51 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

Yes we need to reduce carbon and pollution,  not denying this.

I'm not sure how else to take claims that the current concerns over climate change are overreactions and it is a natural part of a millions of years long cycle if not the opposite of this sentence. Do we just need to reduce carbon and pollution because smog is bad?


53 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

What I disagree with is the sensationalism of this girl and The Green New Deal and the like. 

I mean I'd hazard a guess that your sources of information play a pretty big part in that sensationalism, but, sure, I dislike that a 14 year old is the face of climate change and not somebody that is a leading climate scientist. I generally don't appreciate appeals to emotion and putting a child's face on a complex topic is exactly that.


1 hour ago, Cookester15 said:

If we want to be serious about pollution we need to address this



I mean it has to be a global initiative to be successful, but you do realize that India has fairly pedestrian emissions, right? They have over four times the population, but less than half the total emissions of the US. Shit, they're closer to Russia in total emissions than they are the US. :D


Even China isn't particularly offensive on a per capita basis as they have half the emissions of the US and Canada. The concerns with China and India is that if they ever got to the levels of emissions that the US and Canada are at per capita with the populations that China and India have, we'd be fucked and as more and more of their citizens transfer out of poverty those emissions are expected to grow.


It's just lazy to look elsewhere to 'be serious about pollution' when consumption in the west is just as bad and way easier to fix.

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She's trying to sell an idea and she failed miserably.

Zero charisma and overplayed.

Renewable energy companies don't care about the environment. They are just trying to sell you their product.

Tesla for example, pollutes way more with their batteries than fossil fuels.

Edited by MalaXmaS
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6 hours ago, Cookester15 said:

She reads off scripts and knows absolutely nothing about science or the fact the earth has heated and cooled countless times. How many mass extinctions have we had in 4.5 billion years?  Yes humans have an impact on the environment


Line plots of global temperature during the last 5.3 million years


dont worry Greta, we will be in an ice age very soon. The ice caps will melt which will drastically cool the oceans and BAM, ice age here we come and it starts all over again. It would happen with or without people. 

That next Ice Age will take thousands of years to start.  In the mean time, we have to live on this planet.   What do you suggest we do in the mean time?

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