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Digital Foundry - The Outer Worlds

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12 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

this is one of the biggest disparities in quality between the two consoles and it comes from an MS-owned studio. :rofl: You can't get optics worse than this.


and the saddest part, lems were excited before this came out thinking it wasn't even going to get pro support. :rofl: NOPE! It got Pro support, and its better, MUCH better on it.





deeno refreshing his thread on the obsidian forum


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lmao awful on consoles, and meanwhile I can keep it on high settings on my laptop w/ a 1050.

the x version isnt barren and stuttery enough, we need to go deeper 

35 minutes ago, Spicalicious said:

These poor cows will never get a solid WRPG again. :D  This was your one and only chance... but MS bought Godsidian so you're all fucked for future games from that amazing developer.  Eat shit cows :rawf:


cyberpunk makes this look like amateur hour :rofl:

Edited by Quad Damage
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32 minutes ago, Quad Damage said:


oh its definitely starting to sink in. notice how quiet deeno and jon are staying cmpared to other df threads?  :pavarotti:

How am I being quiet ? 90 percent of DF threads you dont participate because you cant :D


the best part is when you side with sheep that cant even play the games in question LOL 


how are you liking this game btw ? I'm 20 hours in , its dope :wow2:

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14 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

How am I being quiet ? 90 percent of DF threads you dont participate because you cant :D


the best part is when you side with sheep that cant even play the games in question LOL 


how are you liking this game btw ? I'm 20 hours in , its dope :wow2:


you and deeno have half the total posts in the the grid and yooka laylee comparison threads, including both op's :TJ:


just a couple of drivebys here though, are you guys ok? :pavarotti:


also isnt this game coming to switch?

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4 minutes ago, Quad Damage said:

also isnt this game coming to switch?

Yeah, but they've only confirmed it is coming in 2020; no set date, month, or even quarter was mentioned.

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31 minutes ago, Quad Damage said:


you and deeno have half the total posts in the the grid and yooka laylee comparison threads, including both op's :TJ:


just a couple of drivebys here though, are you guys ok? :pavarotti:


also isnt this game coming to switch?

It's coming at some point . I'm sure the sheep won't participate in that DF thread , just like you dont participate in 90 percent of the other ones.


Shoulsnt you be at gaf stalking dyno? Rofl

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1 minute ago, JONBpc said:

It's coming at some point . I'm sure the sheep won't participate in that DF thread , just like you dont participate in 90 percent of the other ones.


Shoulsnt you be at gaf stalking dyno? Rofl


ive participated in a lot including creating the threads, i even posted in the thread about x's biggest df win this fall yooka baybee :dipbaby:


deeno spreading his tears to every corner of the internet makes me a stalker? lmfao

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6 minutes ago, Quad Damage said:

from memory i just made the cod and outer worlds threads in the last week. the most recent one you made was...uhhh...:yeshrug:

Yes I know you made less than a handful, because that's all you could make LOL

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Just now, madmaltese said:

The fact that X doesn't win all this comparisons 100% of the time with far superior tech is an embarrassment in itself. Imagine buying a 1080ti then getting better performance on a 1060 :mj:

That's not the reality though, it's running at a considerably higher resolution with better textures. So it's a total mixed bag. 

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2 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

That's not the reality though, it's running at a considerably higher resolution with better textures. So it's a total mixed bag. 

Well to be fair... the reality is that you immediately noticed how inferior looking it was compared to the PS4 Pro version.  So.. it doesn't really change anything.  That should NEVER be the case with that hardware.

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11 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

Prove me wrong.  

.I'll bet you more games on X this year win Df comparisons,  or perm:reg:


i cant link threads that dont exist :reg:

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