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why is popular modern rock so fucking BAD

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ooo oooooo oooo oo hey!


oooo ooo oooooo oo o hey! 


 la la laaaaaaaa oooeeeee hey! 



Whats with this choir sounding garbage? skinny jeans, goofy hats? banjos and ukuleles?  Do kids these days really not want to ROCK anymore? Is it too offensive? There's no rebellious nature to rock and roll anymore, its just soft and doughy 




Its all elevator music to me


inoffensive, talentless, love songs. Musical castration. Oh yeah MORE REVERB PLEASE! FUCK YEAH WE ALL SING IN GIANT AUDITORIUMS ON THE RADIO

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I can't put my finger on it, but........stuff that sounds like Shinedown just doesn't feel authentic.


Take a look at that garbage that Dynocrap just posted. Those people aren't "rocking" that's a guitar pedal creating that big noise as the guitarist continues plucking at relatively slow speed. That drummer doesn't look like he's doing anything hard or loud.


That's loud, but that's not energy.


To me, rock has already been a demonstration of speed and energy. And then, a good rhythm or chord progression is what makes a rock song "fun" or "rock."


QoTSA best songs usually achieve all of this. But even on their last album, there was only a couple of songs that I liked.


I liked listening to a few songs from Savages, they have speed and energy, they may not have much variety in their chord progression. Not bad for a band of chicks from the UK.



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