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srsly facebook. :| so 2 auth has me fuxed over

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and I can't log into my account anymore.


:|  how do I bypass this shit. IT's not sending texts to the phone registered. I don't know if fb is registered to an old phone.


I can't do e-mails. Honestly if I can go in and delete the account, I freaking would. this is very lamesauce.


I even tried calling tmobile. I did facebooks 'send picture id' thing, but dude, it doesn't even ask you for an e-mal address or new phone so I have no clue how they plan on contacting me?

do I just try to log in one day and it says "hay we fixed your problem, you can log in without 2 auth now??"


but 4real. IF anyone can get me back into fb, or find a way to delte me account so I can UNDO some reactions smilies to posts, I'll paypal you money or minstrel show any act you want me to for a week. :|

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I remember when people were originally getting FB accounts, but I never bothered since it was at the stage when you still needed a .edu email address to get get on.


Then everyone got it, and that meant your relatives and past acquaintances, and it was like "uhhh, who wants that?"



Now it's owned by some guy that's so non-human that he looks weird just drinking water... and they  wanted a currency, and a lot of political misinformation has found the ultimate vessel for widespread dissemination.





Seriously though, what is the deal with how he drinks from a glass?






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Only way to bypass 2FA (btw never use Phone 2FA, try use Google Auth or similar apps) is to go through support from fb and do their security check and have them reset everything for you. 


How bad was this 'doo doo' you need to undo. Surely not just reacting to some other girl's photos or something 

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9 hours ago, kaz said:

never used facebook, just add all your friends and let your account grow old, it's like a address book to me

That's exactly what it is to me. I like it tho. Especially now that I can't use it.

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Still logged out.  Fuck you facebook and thank you 2 auth.  I'm not some millionaire criminal. Phish sites could of had my porn searches and business about my personal life.  This is so dumb m. Turns out I'm probably still using the same phone. It just won't send the 6 digit code. 

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On 2019-11-04 at 7:44 PM, madmaltese said:

Only way to bypass 2FA (btw never use Phone 2FA, try use Google Auth or similar apps) is to go through support from fb and do their security check and have them reset everything for you. 


How bad was this 'doo doo' you need to undo. Surely not just reacting to some other girl's photos or something 

Bad enough that I can't patch shit up now. She saw it. I sent a bullying threat on her boss job page so to speak. (A laughing emoji on a pubic post where my identity should be invisible). No one will put two and two together. & it was to taunt the ex. But it fucks with her sense of safety. And I could always be like "she dated on the job/take her lisence away!" Which I've threatened to do in desperate reverse psychology strategy too many times. 

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On 2019-11-04 at 7:12 PM, Teh_Diplomat said:

I remember when people were originally getting FB accounts, but I never bothered since it was at the stage when you still needed a .edu email address to get get on.


Then everyone got it, and that meant your relatives and past acquaintances, and it was like "uhhh, who wants that?"



Now it's owned by some guy that's so non-human that he looks weird just drinking water... and they  wanted a currency, and a lot of political misinformation has found the ultimate vessel for widespread dissemination.





Seriously though, what is the deal with how he drinks from a glass?






Zuckerberg always had that weird look about him. 

He wasn't cool like the Myspace guy was.  


SEI_57425905.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&zo Tom Anderson

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