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This video makes me glad you guys are still around..

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Saw that earlier. I became friends with Tomfulp over the years and its hard to believe how he can handle so much work on NG everyday. He manages every board, most submissions and finds time to reply to pretty much every user, no matter the problem.

Edited by HolyAx
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26 minutes ago, kokujin said:

I wish. Bout to travel the world single man. . yuck and gulp.

I've started traveling by myself. I think its great for self improvement (from a social standpoint) as you force yourself out of your comfort zone and you end up meeting a lot of cool new people. That said, its tough to actually escalate to any level of intimacy at least from my experience. I still suck with women though so im sure thats the reason.

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10 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

I've started traveling by myself. I think its great for self improvement (from a social standpoint) as you force yourself out of your comfort zone and you end up meeting a lot of cool new people. That said, its tough to actually escalate to any level of intimacy at least from my experience. I still suck with women though so im sure thats the reason.

Traveling makes that easier. You have nothing to lose in the moment. Keep plugging tho man. You can only get better.  I'll be back in your shoes soon. Really not looking forward to it. Maybe I'll find some hoot soon but fuck being single tbh.  Don't be so hard on yourself either. I agree it takes too much work for a guy. But it is what it is. Find your sense of what's fun when you go out. A girl has to be worthy of you too. Don't be do all about what they need. 

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15 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

I've started traveling by myself. I think its great for self improvement (from a social standpoint) as you force yourself out of your comfort zone and you end up meeting a lot of cool new people. That said, its tough to actually escalate to any level of intimacy at least from my experience. I still suck with women though so im sure thats the reason.

Just fucking touch them and tell them you want them! 

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I forgot what prompted me to go this, but I was looking up music performances, and I came across the earliest, very first music videos for Coldplay, because that lead singer has looked super young since almost the beginning.


And I saw a comment that said "this was the way things were before 9/11", and it stuck with me.


And I feel like post-2010 internet is just a different animal than 2000-2010 internet.


I have a much better computer on my desk, I have a ridiculously faster internet that is always connected, the web pages are now more advanced, and I can view so much media immediately.


So why did web-browsing during the early 2000's feel more meaningful back then?


It compare it to us having more advanced cars, that can do so much more and have so many convenient functions, but our driving experience on the road is worse somehow.

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The internet felt a lot more free and independent back then. Small forums were thriving everywhere. There was a lot more freedom of speech.


Now everything seems to resolve around facebook, twitter, youtube, and everyone gets banned for the slightest thing.


systemwars is one of the few places that still feels old school. I can call @DynamiteCop! a faggot and not have the “omg hate speech!!!” purge.

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3 hours ago, jehurey said:

I forgot what prompted me to go this, but I was looking up music performances, and I came across the earliest, very first music videos for Coldplay, because that lead singer has looked super young since almost the beginning.


And I saw a comment that said "this was the way things were before 9/11", and it stuck with me.


And I feel like post-2010 internet is just a different animal than 2000-2010 internet.


I have a much better computer on my desk, I have a ridiculously faster internet that is always connected, the web pages are now more advanced, and I can view so much media immediately.


So why did web-browsing during the early 2000's feel more meaningful back then?


It compare it to us having more advanced cars, that can do so much more and have so many convenient functions, but our driving experience on the road is worse somehow.

See I never had that experience,  as a tech head I had always striven for getting the best PC experience possible including good high speed Internet.  So what you described I can apply to this decade's experience and last.    


Today I look at my laptop and see a bunch of tab windows opened in Chrome but 15 years ago I heavily used Netscape 6/7/8 which all had tab browsing providing multiple ways of accessing websites.   I'll never forget Netscape 8's dual browser engine.    


Last decade's web-browsing was high on anonymity which in my opinion is key to the enjoyment of the web, if you look at it as a place to meet other anons and be free to express your opinions.  Even corporate run news websites back then had comment boxes you could anonymously comment on.  I remember being able to do this on CNN.com before they took it down, then brought it back in the late 2000s before taking it away and never bringing it back. 


These are a websites I used to visit a lot:


Geocities - home to my earliest web page work

Angelfire - home to my earliest web page work

Yahoo!, Excite! & Snap.com search engines (1999-2000) the real golden period for me discovering the internet

CNET! this site was a big deal late 90s early 2000s, technology news, reviews, etc. sadly today it's a shell of itself own by CBS. 

Yahoo! Messenger Chat rooms this was where things were happening, people getting social with others anonymously.  Yahoo had room categories for everything and they were all filled with people chatting or going to war with each other. 

PlayStation Underground forums (2000-2005) the birth place of gamegenie

WWF.com - Pre WWE days when they had a message board, you could talk about everything, anonymously, then the domain got sold to the name change and someone else bought it and redirecting to another wrestling forum.  

Google Groups / Usenet (2000-2004), sadly Google of today killed off destroying part of Internet history.  I used to post a lot here. 
Arstechnica Forums  - strangely this forum hasn't changed much.   I still post here anonymous. 

SystemWars Forums -  strangely this forum hasn't changed much.  I still post here anonymous. 

IMDB - (2004-2017) - I spent a lot of my time here, it was the spot for me to comment about what was on TV.  Them killing of the forums was a big blow to the Internet, much like Google killing Usenet.  Luckily the archives have been kept on another site that you can link back to your IMDB account.

Digg - another great place to post / promote / report topics or comment or Digg others.  

Joystiq - (Late 2000s) Gamer centric blog forum site, I miss.  Died in the modern wave of sites killing anonymity. 

Talking Points Memo Election Central - (2008) this was fun place to hang out anonymous talking about politics 

Huffington Post - (2008-2009 best time)  the site today is a shell of itself after so many buy-outs.  There was a time you could be anonymous here and have a blast time, they even got to a point of adding emoticons to comment boxes.  Sadly today it's all Facebook comments and meh shill place. 

Yahoo! Answers - (2008 best time)  I mentioned here before the fun I had with this site and the power of what an avatar can do. 

Myspace - (2009-2010 best time) this place had everything, I remember a time I was uploading videos to their video page.  Those forums, everyone was here.  Wish it lasted, many think the writing was on the wall when NEWSCORP bought it, but I remember the site was still vibrate if not better after the 2009 overhaul of users profiles, it allowed for even more artistic designing of user profiles. Sadly this didn't last after NEWSCORP sold Myspace and they dumped the forums without warning. 


Edited by The Mother Fucker
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12 hours ago, jehurey said:

I forgot what prompted me to go this, but I was looking up music performances, and I came across the earliest, very first music videos for Coldplay, because that lead singer has looked super young since almost the beginning.


And I saw a comment that said "this was the way things were before 9/11", and it stuck with me.


And I feel like post-2010 internet is just a different animal than 2000-2010 internet.


I have a much better computer on my desk, I have a ridiculously faster internet that is always connected, the web pages are now more advanced, and I can view so much media immediately.


So why did web-browsing during the early 2000's feel more meaningful back then?


It compare it to us having more advanced cars, that can do so much more and have so many convenient functions, but our driving experience on the road is worse somehow.

You lose the soul of what it once was.

Cars are more high tech now, but the engine sounds are lower to almost none existent. Driving is more of a chore now than it is a symbol of freedom.

The internet feels more  sterile now. Back then it was a frontier like the vid said. It was risky but it was also more interesting and more personal. 

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