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The Mixer/twitch Kid Ninja: Content creators shouldn't get banned for hacking

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“There’s a difference between a content creator who has millions of subscribers, who then gets banned from what makes him money, and some kid who is just a piece of **** who has zero followers, zero money from gaming and hacks,” Blevins stated.
“You ban that kid and nothing happens to him. Nothing happens. Oh no! He can’t cheat any more. You ban Jarvis – it’s different.”




Lol what an entitled piece of shit.



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Yeah, when reading the article, it almost seemed like he was trying to still acknowledge that cheating is wrong, but the question becomes WHY would these streamers want to have segments about hacking and cheating in the game?


So that they can show off the cool stuff they could do in the game? That means they're doing it to get attention and get people to watch their channel.


But from Epic's perspective, they are also amplifying the message to go cheat in the game, it may even dissuade some people from buying content because they could have just as much fun by hacking and cheating in the game.


And if you're doing something that could end up costing Epic money, then they won't tolerate that.

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“There’s a difference between a basketball player who has millions of fans, who then gets banned from what makes him money, and some kid who is just a piece of **** who has zero fans, zero money from steroid use,” Blevins stated.
“You ban that kid and nothing happens to him. Nothing happens. Oh no! He can’t cheat any more. You ban LeBron – it’s different.”

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LMAO fuck right the fuck off with that.. :hest: 


People whose job depends on games should be EXTRA diligent to not do things that could get them banned.


Speaking out about this after that idiot Faze member made a video showing of an aim-bot to thousands of people.... doesn't help his case.  That motherfucker deserved to be banned simply for advertising the bot...


These fucking content creators need a wake-up call... 

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