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Microsoft has done a great job of vastly improving New Super Lucky's Tale for the Switch release

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When I first laid eyes on Lucky, through the lens of an Oculus Rift some years ago, I saw a spark of creativity that wasn’t yet fully formed. When I saw him again on Xbox One a few years later (in passing this time), I witnessed that same spark muddied in a pool of platforming kryptonite – namely, a poor camera, bland presentation and a lack of cohesive design direction. Now, in 2019, I’m looking upon Lucky again as he smiles back at me (through a vastly improved camera), and I’m wondering just how developer Playful has managed to gather its resources and “right the ship” in the way that they have.


It’s exceedingly rare these days to see a development studio take its community’s feedback to heart in a genuinely earnest way, and it’s even rarer to see a team return to an existing title in the short space of two years and effectively remake it so that it can fully realize its true potential.


Playful has done all of that and more with New Super Lucky’s Tale, and its opening statement to discerning Nintendo and platformer fans is one of impeccable strength and creative muscle.




Overall, New Super Lucky’s Tale is pure joy in the form of a little fox. If it’s fun you’re looking for, you’ll absolutely find it here. It’s a game that’ll have you smiling from start to finish, and it’s an experience you won’t forget. 


Developer Playful Studios set out to perfect the art of the 3D platformer rather than reinvent it, and by packing this definitive edition of Super Lucky’s Tale full of both sweeping and subtle changes, they’ve completely outdone themselves.
With so many fundamental system overhauls and level redesigns, it nearly feels like a sequel at times, and this dedication to making the game the best it can be showcases just how much the studio loves and cherishes this new IP. Lucky’s move to Switch is a lovingly-crafted adventure that exudes creativity and fun, and if it’s any indication of what to expect from future outings from this delightful little fox, count me in for the long haul.
From beginning to end, New Super Lucky’s Tale is a much more streamlined experience than the original. Any qualms I had with the original game have been rectified in this reimagined edition for Nintendo Switch. The game is oozing with charm and keeps you coming back. It’s a fun-filled experience that shouldn’t go unplayed by 3D platformer fans.



Approaching 80% at metacritic, up from XBONE's broken 60% release:leo:



-new camera

-improved visuals

-added areas and levels

-new control scheme

-bug fixes

-extra layer of polish


Another Cuphead and Ori situation. :D 

Edited by Bodycount N
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9 minutes ago, HolyAx said:

I wanna see Battletoads next on Switch

Maybe Gears 5 can be saved by switch if they iron out the glitches and change the main character.


now that they've scammed the lemmings out of their hard earned money for a broken port, they can doll up the switch version much like with cuphead/ori/lucky's tale.

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7 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

I think it's just that they put an extra layer of polish when they know its not for their userbase, they can't get away witht he same abuse they do to the lemmings on PS or Nintendo.

Msoft has given up on Xbox. I can’t say I blame them. 

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6 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Pretty easy, they have no involvement with this game on Switch. 

Microsoft has no involvement and the game turns out better, imagine my shock :trump2:

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