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Don Cherry fired from coaches corner

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In the battle between progs and Evangelicals to see who can be more hypocritical, man the progs are leaving the Evangelicals in the dust.


If generalizing about identity groups is grounds for being fired, every progressive on the planet would be homeless. Intersectionalism's very foundation is making generalizations about identity groups. 

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13 hours ago, Teh_Diplomat said:



Well at least you're showing your true colors. 


13 hours ago, Teh_Diplomat said:

It's Coaches Corner, not Octogenarian's social commentary on the country's demographics Corner.


Agism's okay when we do it. So is injecting politics into sports like Nike, ESPN, and Kap but GTFO if anyone else does it.

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I don’t wear a poppy either, they’re cheaply made pieces of shit these days. 

besides, all the WW2 vets are basically dead now anyway. And I don’t really give much of a shit about the current troops, they’re just a bunch of guys who chose to go into what’s a pretty cushy job all things considered. Plenty of Canadians working worse jobs than them. 

They get fantastic benefits and pensions. The government should cut their funding if anything and spend it on stuff that would actually improve the country long term ie. infrastructure and education. I understand you need a standing army just in case but beyond that It’s a waste of money. 


on top of all that, patriotism (brainwashing) has no place in sports. Miss me with the anthems, waste of time. 

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5 hours ago, Remij_ said:

I specifically say this:


"I see a lot less people wearing poppies these days.  People either don't know... don't care... or don't understand..  Regardless.. it's sad.  The day exists for a reason and new people coming into the country should understand and respect why this holiday exists..."


I already said there's a practical reasoning for it... they might not know.  However, I can observe people who have been here for 10+ years and still don't wear poppies.  It's not a generalization... it's observable.  I don't think they should be forced to wear them... but I know that I would definitely respect immigrants who wear a poppy leading up to Remembrance day, than I would otherwise. 


Would that Asian be racist if it was observable that more and more white people were coming into the country and failing to understand and therefore respect their customs/culture?  What if there was a specific holiday in this Asian country which celebrated something which was the reason why they removed their shoes?  Would it be wrong to expect people living in the country to understand why that is, and show that respect?


IMO.. no...


Immigrants have the freedom to choose to do what they want... and they deserve that right, like we all do.  But as a Canadian... possibly with family who had fought in the war... or has served, or still serving... should I be forced to be silent about those people who seemingly don't make any effort to acknowledge the sacrifice our soldiers have made for us? Equally no.


IMO there's nothing wrong with saying that those people should at least acknowledge the reasoning for our national holiday.

....its an observation...........but its still anecdotal observation.


You don't know how immigrant feel about the concept of patriotism in that scenario.


What if they come to the conclusion that wearing the poppy might bring them unwanted attention from some people?


Let me give you another example involving the same Asians.  You know how they sometimes have cultural clothing, what if you live in an Asian community, and thought to yourself that maybe you should show respect by also dressing up in their same cultural clothing?


You'd probably feel awkward doing it, and would draw attention to yourself that you otherwise wouldn't have received. If you go back to wearing your normal clothes that everybody is used to seeing you in, you draw no additional attention.


These immigrants don't want to draw attention to themselves.  There might be some people who will say "look at that immigrant pretending that he's been Canadian this entire time"  I know YOU wouldn't react that way, but you do know that there are belligerant people who would, and these immigrants don't want to do anything that would draw ADDITIONAL attention.


The thing is................in all of your posts............you keep on talking about the immigrants needing to see your perspective and understand your history.  But you're not doing that for the immigrants.


To immigrate to another place is not a simple process. There's quite a bit of social psychology that happens there.  People don't get acclimated on Day 1, People usually aren't acclimated by Day 2000. And you usually don't see full integration until there are second-generation immigrants that were born there.

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4 hours ago, Saucer said:


Well at least you're showing your true colors. 



Agism's okay when we do it. So is injecting politics into sports like Nike, ESPN, and Kap but GTFO if anyone else does it.

Great example there champ... Kap also got fired for injecting politics into sports.


Nike and ESPN are corporations not individuals. 


Kap and this old fool are individuals both unemployed right now. 


This has been another episode of When Saucer's whataboutisms fail :drake:

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12 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

Great example there champ... Kap also got fired for injecting politics into sports.


Nike and ESPN are corporations not individuals. 


Kap and this old fool are individuals both unemployed right now. 


This has been another episode of When Saucer's whataboutisms fail :drake:


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4 hours ago, jehurey said:

....its an observation...........but its still anecdotal observation.


You don't know how immigrant feel about the concept of patriotism in that scenario.


What if they come to the conclusion that wearing the poppy might bring them unwanted attention from some people?


Let me give you another example involving the same Asians.  You know how they sometimes have cultural clothing, what if you live in an Asian community, and thought to yourself that maybe you should show respect by also dressing up in their same cultural clothing?


You'd probably feel awkward doing it, and would draw attention to yourself that you otherwise wouldn't have received. If you go back to wearing your normal clothes that everybody is used to seeing you in, you draw no additional attention.


These immigrants don't want to draw attention to themselves.  There might be some people who will say "look at that immigrant pretending that he's been Canadian this entire time"  I know YOU wouldn't react that way, but you do know that there are belligerant people who would, and these immigrants don't want to do anything that would draw ADDITIONAL attention.


The thing is................in all of your posts............you keep on talking about the immigrants needing to see your perspective and understand your history.  But you're not doing that for the immigrants.


To immigrate to another place is not a simple process. There's quite a bit of social psychology that happens there.  People don't get acclimated on Day 1, People usually aren't acclimated by Day 2000. And you usually don't see full integration until there are second-generation immigrants that were born there.


Bringing up "not wanting attention" is a great point.  I know for a fact that this is true in many cases.  I'll never argue that... I was never trying to make a point against that.


Again, regarding this specifically, I said that nobody should be forced to wear them.  It's not like I'd ever hate people who don't wear them... I completely understand that the day has more meaning to some than others.  That's only natural..  But I personally certainly respect people who wear them more than those who don't.  I take pride in seeing others make an effort to understand our history and show respect and acknowledge it.


What I'm mostly speaking to though.. is whether a Canadian person should be seen as racist or xenophobic for thinking, or stating, that they believe immigrants should show more respect on our national holidays.  In my opinion, having the opinion that they should, is not racist or xenophobic.  It's simply about respecting people who gave their lives for this country.  How are immigrants ever going to know it's ok for them to feel and act Canadian if nobody ever tells them that it's ok to take part in these gestures? 


And I'm not trying to be rude, but there's literally nothing you'll ever be able to tell me about the immigration process.. because I've witnessed, and helped countless people through this exact process.. I married a woman who went through this process.. have an entire side of my family who went through this process... and have personally worked with immigrants for over 15 years..  I'm about as understanding and sympathetic to the process as a person can be.  I've worked and lived with people going through this process for my entire adult life.  I get it.. I know it's not easy.

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1 hour ago, Remij_ said:


 It's simply about respecting people who gave their lives for this country.  How are immigrants ever going to know it's ok for them to feel and act Canadian if nobody ever tells them that it's ok to take part in these gestures? 

I agree, there should be things that people can look forward to as an example.


Which is why somebody like Don Cherry cannot be that example.  We can't have people looking to the things he says and start emulating his rhetoric or attitude.


There should be more of a "do by demonstration" and "us" attitude than finger-pointing.



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