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The Legend of Bum-bo released today

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I picked it up and I can already tell the game has a lot of potential... but definitely can't recommend anyone pick it up at this point in time because it's clearly not finished/polished.  It's a buggy mess at this point.  Soft locks, bugs with the sound.. and just a general lack of polish.  There's not even an options menu... it basically has one of those generic Unity config settings that you set the resolution and "beautiful/fantastic" graphics settings before you launch the game..and that's it...


I'm kind of disappointed because the core game here I can tell is going to be great.  I really enjoy the game itself... it's just the issues that it has atm.  Edmund has noted that they're working on fixing the issues and is pretty much responding to everyone.. but this game clearly needed another month or 2. 


I have no doubt they'll get it where it needs to be.. but damn :( 


Trailer for those who have no idea what it is:



Edited by Remij_
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Just now, Twinblade said:

This is literally the first time i've heard of this game lol.

It's basically a prequel to The Binding of Isaac.  And yea, I'm not surprised.  Edmund and James released it on their own.. so it doesn't have a publisher pushing it.  Although I think it was confirmed coming to Switch as well and Nicalis might publish that version.


The game itself is good... but it's just not in a good state with regards to polish.

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Patch released today fixes the soft locking.. so I can now recommend this game :ben: 



Legend of Bum-bo V1.0.2 Patch Notes:
- Picking up the trinket from later chapters no longer locks up the game.
- Poisoning enemies resistant to spells no longer locks up the game.
- Bug causing music in the wooden nickle to be muted fixed.
- Usable trinkets going infinite with other spells fixed. ( Thermos/Rainbow Tick etc)
- Mirror Ghost updates so they no longer have the ability to cause a stalemate.
- Using Refresh with no usable items bug fixed.
- Using Ecoli or D10 on bosses bug fixed.
- Removed Debug key that caused death!
- Craft Paper bug fixed.
- Quake temperately removed ( it caused an unknown bug we are still trying to nail down )
- Secret characters now appear in boss VS screens.
- Edits to 3-4 items that caused small visual bugs and other issues
- misc. bug fixes that were tied to most of the more general bugs listed above.

- unlock wording for the Forlorn Hollow and Halls of Belial updated
( beat ch1 with bumbo the brave to unlock forlorn hollow, beat ch2 with bumbo the nimble to unlock the halls of belial )

Tomorrow / Future updates, what on our list:
- general bug fixes and quality of life updates.
- add ability to pass on a spell if you have max spells.
- an extra bonus at 100%.
- achievements.
- add steam cloud support.
- add sound options.
- add saving and loading ( so you can quit a run and come back to it )

Other Notes:
we are blown away on how much people instantly love bum-bo and we will continue to fix and update the game till its perfect! here are a few non fix type things we plan on doing in the coming weeks.

- we notice people want more visual tells and mouse over states for the hud/board. once all the general stuff is done, we will do big quality of life update that should make you all very happy!

- since this game isn't exactly Isaac, i want to make sure all the items are totally balanced to the best of my ability. what that means is i want to take a poll soon on what you guys think are the top 10-20 worst items, then ill do a balance pass on them and make sure they no longer suck!

- i can say that even after less than 24 hours of release, the game has enough of a fan base to warrant an expansion. so dont be surprised if we announce something dlc wise after repentance release ;).


James and i are super grateful for all the support and how kind and helpful most of you have been when it comes to the bugs, i hope the next week or 2 show you how dedicated we are to making sure this game is as perfect as we can get it!

see you tomorrow!
-Edmund & James


Glad to see they've got a clear plan as for future updates.  The game is apparently selling quite well too.  Apparently enough after just 24h for them to warrant an expansion.


Like I said.. the game itself is really good.  It just needs some further tweaking and QoL improvements.

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This game is sooo good.  You have to accept failure though as you learn the items and how they work, because you're going to die... a lot.


Once you start learning how the mechanics work, you can really start planning and make the game work in your favor, and it's so satisfying as you progress and get to new enemies and bosses you've never seen before.


The biggest thing that I want them to add is basically a save and quit option so that you can leave a game mid-run and then continue it after.  Which I believe is on the list of things they are going to add.. so once that happens it will be a perfect game to get runs in between doing other shit.  Oh, and achievements aren't working atm, but they said they will retroactively unlock as the game is keeping track of everything.. so that's not a big deal.



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