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Gears 5 sold better than Gears 4

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liar, this is literally impossible. It reviewed terribly, has awful word of mouth, squeaked out to 8k sales in the U.K, and now isn't even in the top 25 most played games on Xbox (a console where there's barely any games to compete with it anyways).


This game was forgotten like a fart in the wind.


Absolutely a franchise ending flop of epic proportion.

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1 minute ago, Bodycount N said:

liar, this is literally impossible. It reviewed terribly, has awful word of mouth, squeaked out to 8k sales in the U.K, and now isn't even in the top 25 most played games on Xbox (a console where there's barely any games to compete with it anyways).


This game was forgotten like a fart in the wind.


Absolutely a franchise ending flop of epic proportion.

Phil is funding the sequel whether you like it or not :mjgrin: 

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Why wouldn't it?  The Xbox One userbase is slightly bigger now than it was back in 2016.


And back then, lemmings had other Xbox games releasing within the same year.........two whole games. The competition was off-the-charts.

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27 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Death Stranding will be a hot topic of discussion for a long time to come, Gears 5 on the other hand was forgotten days after release.

Still outscored it at meta . Deal with it .

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24 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

Still outscored it at meta . Deal with it .

Its easier to rehash another entry in a long running shooter franchise then it is to create a completely new experience. Also, we primarily use gamespot and Death Stranding outscored it there so you still lose :reg:

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21 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Its easier to rehash another entry in a long running shooter franchise then it is to create a completely new experience. Also, we primarily use gamespot and Death Stranding outscored it there so you still lose :reg:

GB 2/5 LOL

Why are you system warrioring TB, stop it. I don't know how to even respond to you.

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