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DF: Pokémon Sword/Shield - Switch's Next-Gen Pokémon Doesn't Quite Deliver

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- Engine is an evolved vrsion of Let's Go.
- Wild Area is big, surprisingly high foliage density and nice bloom effect.
- City design more in line with Sun and Moon's standard than Let's Go "grid based" design.
- Locked camera in city helps performance.
- Shadows improved over Sun and Moon, now proper shadows are present outside of battles too.
- Over 400 Pokémon cut, Z-moves, Mega and many online features are removed for increased quality...
- ... but environments are mostly static ("window dressing"), huge repetition of rooms and decorations.
- Texturing is generally of poor quality highlighted by the low camera angle.
- Dynamic shadow system is impressive, but it has a lot of flickering. It can look rough.
- Pop-in is a huge issue, rendering range is extremely limited and almost comical.
- Human character higher detailed than ever, but contrary to Game Freak's pre release statements the Pokémon models were not reworked.
- Lighting and material interactions are sensibly increased over the 3DS, but it does not explain the huge cut of Dex. Why are Pokémon from Let's Go missing if they were already reworked?
- Compared to BotW and Xenoblade 2, the game is "in a lower league".
- Docked res: 1080p indoor, dynamic res outsidide (864p worse case scenario). Game is more demanding than Let's Go so it justifies the lower res.
- Portable res: 720p dynamic, drops at 576p outdoor worst case scenario.
- Zero AA
- No graphical differences beween portable and docked.
- Performance is 30 fps and it's stable most of the time. Switching into battles momentarely drops the framerate in the 20s and dynamax battles can drop too.

> Positives: enviroments, engine cutscenes
> Negatives: emptiness of the world, pop-in, removal of many Pokémon

+ Overall: a step forward, but the pop-in is a glaring issue and it doesn't fully matches the expectations of a next gen Pokémon game, and the Pokédex cut is a big limitation.


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i dont think the complaints about cut pokemon are really that valid. Every new one of these games does that, there are so many pokemon right now its unreasonable to expect them to all to be squeezed into every new entry.

Edited by Twinblade
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4 hours ago, Bodycount N said:

these guys make handheld games and that's it, it's completely unreasonable to think that in 3 years time they'd come out with a skyrim-like take on pokemon. :D 


It's a pokemon game...

Sony Bend went from handheld to a massive open world. Monster Hunter and Dragon Quest also had massive leaps forward

Gamefreak just don’t give a shit. No ambition

Edited by Voidler
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How is this shit even 81 on metacritic? Is it reviewers trying to make a point that they’re not all ADHD gamers after a certain few being lukewarm on death stranding?



this looks like low effort budget level trash. Like they didn’t even give a shit. If any other publisher released something looking this poor it would be ripped to shreds. It’s not even bad because it’s on switch, we’ve seen what the switch can do with astral chain and luigis mansion 3, heck they even compared it to xenobkade 2 from last year in how pitiful this looks in comparison, and this is going to outsell every switch game this year gurabteed.


maybe that’s why they felt they didn’t have to try I guess

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11 hours ago, Twinblade said:

i dont think the complaints about cut pokemon are really that valid. Every new one of these games does that, there are so many pokemon right now its unreasonable to expect them to all to be squeezed into every new entry.


the video literally says its the first time in the series theyve been cut. and the point is, the time and resources they save by cutting them should have gone into other areas, but is still extremely lackluster with recycled models/animations.

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