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Shenmue 3 score prediction thread

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Has there ever been a game with a multi-day post-release embargo before? I know there's been like 3AM and 9AM embargoes due to time zones and weird adherence to business hours, but 2 days is fucking hilarious.


6 from GS

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41 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

I think it'll be fun to circle back on this thread and see what it gets after the post-release embargo :killzone:


Im gonna go with


5.0 at Gamespot

60-65% Metacritic


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Just now, Bodycount N said:

that 21st embargo is utterly bizarre though, as if anyone would really care if this 5.0's.


I'm already on board for a full price copy.


But that embargo + the half price bestbuy listing for Black Friday, really doesn't bode well for publisher confidence in the title.



Exactly. The fans will buy it, even if it gets 3’s. 

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