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If they stopped making new games today I don't think I'd even be mad

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Been thinking about this lately with all the talk of VR/Streaming future, and although I think those things are much further off than some people believe, when they're finally here I don't think I'll even care. I realized just how big of a library I already have access to...


-Basically everything from the pre-PS2 era can be loaded and played off of a $50 Raspberry Pi. 

-Most of the stuff from GC/PS2/Xbox/360/Wii/PS3 are easy to play, either in their original form or as an HD Remaster/Remake (of which most of the really good games already have received or are in the works)

-PC is more or less infinitely backwards compatible, many games either with official remakes or fan patches to modernize

-PS4 stuff will be BC with PS5 and you'd imagine Switch will get the same treatment at this point.


And frankly that's more quality games then I'll ever have time to play. Not only is there tons of games I've already played that I'd have no problem playing again, but there's more that I've never played and just haven't had the time to go back to because there's just too much new shit coming out these days. 


Realized I basically already ignore most new music...I have an endless library already that I never get bored with. I'll still check out the odd new release but it's usually only if it comes highly recommended and I rarely seek new stuff out. I don't even necessarily dislike new music, I just don't feel the need for it most of the time. I feel if video games really went off the rails I'd probably feel the same way. It might even be liberating in a way. 



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25 minutes ago, kokujin said:

Just wanna see the graphics go up. 

just wanna see the graphics turned down and more focus on important stuff. :(  

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