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Rumour: WindowsCentral - Inside the target specs of the next Xbox 'Project Scarlett,' 'Anaconda', and 'Lockhart'

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39 minutes ago, Remij_ said:



By this time next year, Nvidia will have 18-20TF gpus out.... on a new architecture and process node... That's well BEFORE the gen even starts.

And they will cost 1500 dollars :drake:

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20 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

LOL rumor is that Sony's dev kits are at 10TF, but that they had to downclock them to 9TF because they couldn't keep them cool enough...


If PS5 is ~9TF and Anaconda 12TF... lol ouch that would be big.


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6 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

They're said to be cheaper than the 2080ti's were.


Consoles are going to be raped before they even get a chance :hest: 

Lmao a 500 dollar xbox is goikg to beat your 1200 dollar 2080ti :mj: and compare to whatever video card is on the market at the time .


But hey at least you'll get ray tracing in games when these new consoles launch LOL

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6 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

Lmao a 500 dollar xbox is goikg to beat your 1200 dollar 2080ti :mj: and compare to whatever video card is on the market at the time .


But hey at least you'll get ray tracing in games when these new consoles launch LOL

lol ok if you say so Jon :mjgrin: 

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1 minute ago, JONBpc said:

X gonna give it to ya :whoo:

$500 for XO.  $500 for X1X.  $500+ Anaconda....  $1500 on Xboxes :mj: 


Just upgrade your PC you fucking dolt.. (oh wait.. you're going to do that anyway)  :hest: 



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Just now, JONBpc said:

Your pc cost more than 3 gens of my xboxes LOL 


1200 dollars for 5 games with ray tracing at 1080p LOL 



And it's far more powerful than 3 gens of your xboxes :tom: 


...AND you had to buy a PC anyway :smilecry:

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5 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

I can't help but feel 13 gigs of RAM usable is a weaksauce jump noting all the other improvements.

It really depends on how well these SSDs can make up for that.  Although I still have the suspicion that they'll have more than 16GB total.


Anyway.. with my overclock on my 2080ti I'm sitting at about 17.4TF..


2080ti = 4352*1545*2 = 13.45TF ( ~15TF in reality because the boost clock is always higher than 1700mhz)

My OC = 4352*2000*2 = 17.4TF


Nvidia TF's are still a bit more powerful per flop than AMD's RDNA1.. but it remains to be seen how RDNA2 stacks up.  Should be closer.  Still that's a decent gap already.. and Ampere coming next year is going to be at least 40% more powerful at the high end I'm betting.


Still going to be amazing to see what they can do with these new consoles :whew: 

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