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MLB The Show going multiplat

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Sony is not giving away all their exclusives. :D You guys are mental. 


Exclusives stills sells platforms, just look at Nintendo. You want to give consumers a reason to stay on your ecosystem. 


And high profile exclusives like God of War or Horizon Zero Dawn had no problems turning profits on PS4.


At worst you can expect late ports and streaming services on other devices. That's about it. Sony isn't going to release day one their first party on PC and other consoles.


If anything FF7 Remake and Death Stranding prove they are willing to give money for timed exclusivity deals. That's the complete opposite of a ''play anywhere'' mantra.


MLB is an issue with the license and they didn't want to lose it. End of story.

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BAHHAHAHAHAH    Told you they're massaging those assholes getting them ready for the inevitable.  

3 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Sony is not giving away all their exclusives. :D You guys are mental. 


Exclusives stills sells platforms, just look at Nintendo. You want to give consumers a reason to stay on your ecosystem. 


And high profile exclusives like God of War or Horizon Zero Dawn had no problems turning profits on PS4.


At worst you can expect late ports and streaming services on other devices. That's about it. Sony isn't going to release day one their first party on PC and other consoles.


If anything FF7 Remake and Death Stranding prove they are willing to give money for timed exclusivity deals. That's the complete opposite of a ''play anywhere'' mantra.


MLB is an issue with the license and they didn't want to lose it. End of story.



It's clear to me too :reg: 



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3 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Sony is not giving away all their exclusives. :D You guys are mental. 


Exclusives stills sells platforms, just look at Nintendo. You want to give consumers a reason to stay on your ecosystem. 


And high profile exclusives like God of War or Horizon Zero Dawn had no problems turning profits on PS4.


At worst you can expect late ports and streaming services on other devices. That's about it. Sony isn't going to release day one their first party on PC and other consoles.


If anything FF7 Remake and Death Stranding prove they are willing to give money for timed exclusivity deals. That's the complete opposite of a ''play anywhere'' mantra.


MLB is an issue with the license and they didn't want to lose it. End of story.

This makes the most sense. 

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1 hour ago, Team 2019 said:

Probably not too well. I mean this sells only in the US. I also doubt they will bother with a Switch version when they got to manage current and next gen at the same time. Maybe later down the line.

It sells only in the US but it sells very very well in the US. This is a giant franchise for Sony, one they clearly had no intention of losing rights too given the details of this new deal. They pump it out every year too. This multiplat could be a yearly 5-10m seller 

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Just now, Ramza said:

That's just speculation. Doesn't prove anything.

Well of course it's speculation dumbass...  The thing is... it's not completely out of the question.. it's in fact seeming quite likely.

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Just now, Remij_ said:

Well of course it's speculation dumbass...  The thing is... it's not completely out of the question.. it's in fact seeming quite likely.

The timing of the switch to multiplat with the renewal of the license says it all really.


Doesn't mean Sony isn't interested in testing the multiplat waters though. Just means it wasn't a deal breaker for them anymore. 

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1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

Well of course it's speculation dumbass...  The thing is... it's not completely out of the question.. it's in fact seeming quite likely.

Same thing could be said about my own speculations.


It makes no business sense, Sony is already winning in case you haven't noticed and PS4 was a huge success. Why would they change strategy all of a sudden?


Microsoft had to adapt because the Xbox brand was failing. Sony isn't in the same position at all.

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2 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

The timing of the switch to multiplat with the renewal of the license says it all really.


Doesn't mean Sony isn't interested in testing the multiplat waters though. Just means it wasn't a deal breaker for them anymore. 

Yeah MLB isn't a sign. And even if Horizon comes to PC it's still a old ass game and far from the ''day one Sony games on PC and other consoles'' that Remij or Dynamite are dreaming about.


Watch State of Play having plenty of exclusives to showcase with no signs of other platforms anywhere. 

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3 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Yeah MLB isn't a sign. And even if Horizon comes to PC it's still a old ass game and far from the ''day one Sony games on PC and other consoles'' that Remij or Dynamite are dreaming about.


Watch State of Play having plenty of exclusives to showcase with no signs of other platforms anywhere. 

LMAO acting like I give a fuck if games come day 1 or not... lmao :tom: 


Keep downplaying each and every new game they bring to other platforms... I love it :hest: 

Edited by Remij_
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6 hours ago, Remij_ said:

Must be why Sony fought so hard to keep the game they entirely funded.. Death Stranding.. exclusive to PS4.... :roll: 


It seems to me Disney has ALL of the leverage with the game rights.. and they'll use that to their advantage if they can.  You're referencing the movie deal.. but face it.. that has tons of other influences behind it that the game simply wouldn't have.  Why are you acting like Sony did all the work lol.


I told you... it STARTS with secondary IPs... like Quantum Break...


You're right.. Horizon ZD showing up on PC doesn't cost Sony anything.  They stand to gain a lot from it.. which is exactly why they massaging that ass into accepting that their games will come to other platforms at a later date.  LMAO I don't give a fuck if you think that elevates them above MS for putting their games on PC day 1... Windows is a MS platform.. it makes sense for them to do so.


but you're just ignoring the inevitable... Sony WILL release their games on multiple platforms in the future... and they WILL release them day 1 in the future too.  They're easing the fanbase into accepting it because they know the amount of money that's being left on the table. 

It definitely elevates them above Microsoft.


People will still know that if they want to play those Sony exclusive IPs, they still have to buy the Sony console.


Sony isn't concerned with the type of people who wait 2-3 years for a port, that isn't a sizable portion, and Sony is usually selling retail copies of their exclusives for like $10 at that point.............they genuinely do not care.


Microsoft HAS to go multiplat on day one at this point. And everybody will know that.


Sorry, your claim of a multiplat future is only really existing with Microsoft. Sony, at best, will have an internal policy that still maintains a sense of exclusivity that help keeps their hardware business afloat.  Microsoft has no such hopes, at this point. They're just trying to keep XBL/Microsoft online accounts afloat, that's the hill Phil Spencer has retreated to.

Edited by jehurey
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So lemmings rip on a game for years and years, then blow their load at the thought of them finally getting it.


Goes to show that jealousy is the primary motivation why they hate PlayStation :smoke:

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4 hours ago, Remij_ said:

Jim Ryan is the Phil Spencer of Sony :hest: 


He sees dollar signs and nothing more... no fanboy shit.  He's out to make money.  PS games on other platforms will bring that money in :reg: 

You see, right here.......Remij screwed up and he let his guard slip.


He's trying to equivocate Sony failing like Microsoft failed.


He's trying hard to impose an equivalency, even if its a false equivalency.


Its always been strange how Sony marks down their exclusive IPs down to rock-bottom pricing. Or it goes free on PS+, it many cases it goes free in like 14 to 20 months later.


Like not even Ubisoft sells old Assassin's Creed/Watch Dogs games with all of the DLC packs added-in for $10-$15. But that's exactly what Sony did with Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition and Spider-Man GOTY edition.


This could purely be marketing. Give PC gamers Horizon Zero Dawn, they proceed to play it and like it, and then they see footage of the next Horizon Zero Dawn sequel on PS5 and they think to themselves "wait 3 years for the port, or plunk down $500 to play the game now, and I might as well play these other Sony exclusives."


That may be what Sony has in mind.

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8 minutes ago, jehurey said:

You see, right here.......Remij screwed up and he let his guard slip.


He's trying to equivocate Sony failing like Microsoft failed.


He's trying hard to impose an equivalency, even if its a false equivalency.


Its always been strange how Sony marks down their exclusive IPs down to rock-bottom pricing. Or it goes free on PS+, it many cases it goes free in like 14 to 20 months later.


Like not even Ubisoft sells old Assassin's Creed/Watch Dogs games with all of the DLC packs added-in for $10-$15. But that's exactly what Sony did with Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition and Spider-Man GOTY edition.


This could purely be marketing. Give PC gamers Horizon Zero Dawn, they proceed to play it and like it, and then they see footage of the next Horizon Zero Dawn sequel on PS5 and they think to themselves "wait 3 years for the port, or plunk down $500 to play the game now, and I might as well play these other Sony exclusives."


That may be what Sony has in mind.

He's not doing that at all retard, and your theory is dumb. 

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1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

He's not doing that at all retard, and your theory is dumb. 

Nah, he's definitely attempting to do that, you can usually see it from a mile away.


In fact, lemmings have pretty much spent the past 2-4 months making posts implying that Sony is failing as hard as Microsoft.


That's what happens when you don't even have a Forza game to occupy your time for the end of the year. lol

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