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Albert Penello seems to suggest that the TF numbers used for next gen consoles could be adjusted from GCN

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Jason Schreier also stated that when asked, one developer briefed on Lockhart said that it was comparable to a PS4 Pro in terms of raw graphical power..


In all honesty.. adjusting the TF's relative to GCN and marketing it is probably the right decision if they're even going to talk about TFs at all.  So what we could be hearing about Scarlett being 12TF is actually GCN TFs and roughly around 10 RDNA TFlops.


Again though... the TF's number is meaningless.. we all know that.  But there is a chance that things could seem slightly exaggerated.

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1 minute ago, Team 2019 said:

Though if Lockhart is 4rdna tflops then Scarlett 12 is also RDNA.

The Jason Schreier quote suggests that Lockhart TFs are GCN... because the say it's equivalent to PS4 PRO.. which is 4TF.

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He’s a lying shill and nothing he says should be trusted. Remember when he was shilling on GAF and they were eating it up when he said the power difference between xflop and ps4 wasnt true and that the games would speak for themselves? Then xflop games came out at 720p :lul:


Typical Microsoft. Lie lie lie lie lie without a shred of guilt.

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28 minutes ago, TLHBO said:

He’s a lying shill and nothing he says should be trusted. Remember when he was shilling on GAF and they were eating it up when he said the power difference between xflop and ps4 wasnt true and that the games would speak for themselves? Then xflop games came out at 720p :lul:


Typical Microsoft. Lie lie lie lie lie without a shred of guilt.

Lol, remember when sony marketed pro as 4k and you get 1080p ? 


Lmfao tchbr

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It honestly makes ZERO sense to release a console that's on the level of pro . Pro can barely do 1080p on current gen games .


I'm sure just scaling from 4k or thereabouts to 1080p won't just be that easy next gen .


It would be a gimped console from the get go . I dont believe this but I do know MS is dumb . They should just release scarlet and a little stream box but they probably dont want to do that now after how hard stadia flopped.

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