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jonb the visionary

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i guess the design is pretty neat because of how different it is, as a console with exclusive games it could have had a chance.


but what the design suggests, and what's so left so many dismayed is the fact that is literally a visual embodiement of their sellout to PC gaming. There's no chance they'll ever have real exclusives again with a design like that, it's a true ghetto PC.



Nothing, I REPEAT NOTHING, can redeem a box without true exclusive. Any game that's also on PC is immediately lessened to the value of LESS THAN DOGSHIT if its also on PC.



Hellblade could score a perfect 10. if it's on PC as well STILL DOGSHIT and does nothing for Xbox


Halo Infinite could rekindle the franchise and be amazing.... MEANS DOGSHIT if it's still on the fucking clown ass PC.


This console stands no chance. PC will consume it 

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